"Time-window sequential analysis: An introduction for pediatric psychol" by Jill Mac Laren Chorney, Abbe Marrs Garcia et al.

Time-window sequential analysis: An introduction for pediatric psychologists


Objective: Pediatric psychologists are often interested in interactions among individuals (e.g., doctors and patients, parents and children). Most research examining the nature of these interactions has used correlational analyses. Sequential analysis provides greater detail on contingencies during interactions and the way that interactions play out over time. The purpose of this article is to offer a non-technical introduction to sequential analyses for pediatric psychologists. Methods: A more recent derivation of the basic method, called time-window sequential analysis, is introduced and distinguished from other forms of sequential analysis. Results: A step-by-step pediatric psychology example of time-window sequential analysis is provided and the integration of sequential analysis with traditional statistical methods is discussed. An example of physician-child interaction during anesthesia induction is used to illustrate the technique. Conclusion: Sequential analysis is a technique that is useful to pediatric psychologists who are interested in contingencies among data collected over time. © The Author 2010.

Publication Title

Journal of Pediatric Psychology
