Use of dietary fiber and stimulus control to treat retentive encopresis: A multiple baseline investigation


Diet modification and stimulus control training for retentive encopresis was evaluated in a multiple baseline across subjects design. Three encopretic boys were assessed for 6, 10, and 14 weeks of baseline. Diet modification comprised increasing dietary fiber and water intake through a point contingency, and stimulus control comprised scheduled toileting with limited, contingent use of suppositories. Diet changes were associated with increases in appropriate toileting and decreases in accidents. All subjects attained four consecutive accident-free weeks, and gains were maintained for 1 year. Only one subject required limited use of suppositories. Results suggest diet change is one alternative to purgatives in treatment for retentive encopretics. Qualifications of the approach are noted, and recommendations are made for future research. © 1988 Plenum Publishing Corporation.

Publication Title

Journal of Pediatric Psychology
