The Experience of Infertility Among African American Couples


The infertility rate among African Americans is higher than that of other ethnicities; yet, it is rarely discussed or acknowledged. There is an abundance of research that contributes to the body of knowledge of infertility among white people, but there is very little that examines the experience for African Americans. This study aimed to explore the experience of infertility among African American couples. Utilizing a phenomenological approach, six married couples were interviewed about their experience of infertility. This approach was used in order to provide a first-person account of the lived experience of infertility for the couples. The findings demonstrate how infertility can be a traumatizing event that is experienced differently by men and women. The distress of the experience challenges one’s sense of self. The findings also suggest how religion and spirituality played a central role in the lives of the couples, helping them to cope with infertility. The personal stories provided by the couples illustrate the profound impact the experience of infertility has had on their lives.

Publication Title

Journal of African American Studies
