How Do Narrative Structure and Format Influence a 360 Degree Video Ad?


A 2 (Ad Format: 360-degree video ad vs. standard video ad) × 2 (Narrative Structure: Narrative vs. Non-narrative) between subject experiment (N = 119) was conducted online to investigate the combinatory effects of ad format, narrative structure, and need for cognition on product intentions. Results showed the 360-degree video ad elicited lower information seeking intention, lower tryout intention, and lower purchase intention compared with a standard video ad. The flow experience mediated the relationship between the ad format and product intentions. In addition, narrative structure moderated the relationship between the ad format and the information seeking intention. Lastly, a three-way interaction among the ad format, narrative structure, and need for cognition on information seeking intention was detected. Theoretical and practical implications were discussed.

Publication Title

Journal of Promotion Management
