Myosin heavy chain isoform expression: Influence on isoinertial and isometric performance


Thirty-six healthy men with varying degrees of physical training background performed maximal-effort isometric and isoinertial knee extensor actions, with relative loads equal to 40% and 70% of one-repetition maximum. Force, velocity, and power were derived from force and linear position transducers at 500 Hz. Biopsies were taken from the vastus lateralis and analyzed by SDS-PAGE for relative myosin heavy chain (MHC) content. Relative MHC IIx content was included in a regression model, and explained variance noted. Relative MHCI content was subsequently added to the regression model to determine what, if any, additional variance was explained beyond that of MHC IIx. Results indicated that no relationship (r = 0.0 to 0.1) exists between the relative expression of MHC isoforms from the vastus lateralis and isometric/isoinertial performance in a population with diverse training backgrounds. Lack of nervous system adaptations in the untrained subjects in the study possibly attenuates the significant relationship between MHC and in-vivo muscle performance previously established in trained populations. Copyright © Taylor & Francis LLC.

Publication Title

Research in Sports Medicine
