"Predicting depth vertical jumping distance" by Lawrence W. Weiss, George E. Relyea et al.

Predicting depth vertical jumping distance


If independent variables collectively account for each person's ability to vertically jump, then appropriate manipulations of any or all of these factors would be expected to improve jumping performance. Furthermore, if training may elicit the desired manipulations, then the identification of specific weaknesses would enable clinicians and scientists to individualize interventions so as to maximize the effects. In the present exploratory investigation, equations were developed predicting depth vertical jumping (DVJ) distance, a technique roughly simulating the myriad of scenarios in which a rapidly decelerated linear movement precedes vertical jumping. To accomplish this, body composition and 32 variables generated during the performance of concentric-only velocity-spectrum squats were obtained using 52 men and 50 women. At each of four different squatting velocities four force and four power variables met conservative reliability standards for selection as potential predictors of jumping performance. Two explanatory regression equations generated via a forward stepwise approach yielded R-values of 0.89 and 0.90 and SEE ranging from 0.059 to 0.060 meters (2.32 to 2.36 inches). Relative peak power (peak-power-to-body-weight ratio) during squatting exercises performed at 1.43 meters.sec-1 as well as at each individual's optimal velocity for power production were significant predictors of DVJ distance. The predicted distance was also significantly attenuated if subjects were female. Based upon the variables assessed in this investigation, it appears that for young adults, the higher the relative peak squatting power at moderately fast velocities the greater the DVJ performance, and being female negatively impacts this type of jumping.

Publication Title

Isokinetics and Exercise Science
