"Case Studies: A Brief Introduction and Suggested Guidelines for the Fi" by Emma Fleck


Welcome to the Case Study Edition of the Journal of Arts Entrepreneurship Education. I am excited to present this format to you as a way to apply real-world case studies to entrepreneurship theory in order to enhance your pedagogical approach within the field of arts entrepreneurship.As previously outlined by the editors, case studies are a common teaching and learning tool within entrepreneurship and its parent discipline, business, as a method of bringing the nuances of realism to complex theoretical problems. However, within the arts entrepreneurship field, they are used less frequently for pedagogical purposes and often with hesitation. Consequently, in this guide to the Case Study Edition, I aim to briefly: provide a rationale for using case studies in arts entrepreneurship education; illustrate what makes a good case study; highlight the mechanics of writing case studies by clearly outlining the expectations of a submission to JAEE for both traditional research cases and teaching cases; summarize the cases within this special issue and highlight why they demonstrate best practice example cases.
