"Amplifying the Transdisciplinary Nature of ArtsEntrepreneurship Educat" by Lindsey G. Castellano and Drew X. Coles


Current moves toward online learning have promoted and continue to promote transdisciplinaryeducation as an indispensable path forward. Time and technological advances have given us theperspective to see that many of our disciplines are more interconnected than scholars and pedagogues of the past may have thought. This interconnectedness allows us to develop individually-held senses of belonging within our students and a more solidified representation of arts entrepreneurship education.Online education provides inexhaustible resources and delivery methods for educators to providemultiple entry points for students. This piece makes a case for the notion that instruction via the internetenables students and educators to connect with people worldwide and provides additional ways to connect and engage with course material for individuals with varying learning styles. This piece alsoprovides a model of a post-secondary course that can be used to explore arts entrepreneurship.
