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Course Description: This course will combine theory and practice to help you develop your understanding of the many changes rocking the media landscape and build the skills you will need to join the fray. Social media is altering how journalists and public relations professionals do their jobs and how we communicate in a Web 2.0 world. You will read research and theory by some of the most formative thinkers in our field examining the impact of social and new media and applying these core concepts to your real-world use of digital tools. We will be actively using blogs, RSS feeds, Twitter, widgets, social bookmarking, mapping, and other Web 2.0 tools to produce and curate content and interact with other professionals in our field and reflecting critically on this experience. It’s important to note that particular sites like Twitter or Foursquare may come and go in this fastchanging environment in which it seems every month brings with it a new must-have app, toy, or social network. Ultimately, this course hopes to foster the meta-skill of applying the core values of journalistic practice to new media forms in productive, creative, and intelligent ways. Flexibility and the ability to experiment and think critically will perhaps be among the most vital abilities of the new era.


syllabus, syllabi, journalism, communication, media, strategic media
