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Course Description: This course will introduce you to the structure and function of the American legal system. You will gain valuable insight into the development of the law, the system of American courts and the political and social forces that shape the law. You will become familiar with legal literature -- opinions from real judges on real cases and state and federal statutes. You will be exposed to discussion and reflection on some fundamental concepts of the Constitution of the United States and the legal battles that serve to define and develop those concepts. As such, a student from any field should find this course interesting and helpful. But, this course is Mass Media Law. It will bring you to focus on some of the basic concepts of law that relate to you as a mass media professional. It is intended not only to make you aware of some of the great protections that you have under the Federal Constitution but also to alert you to some of the legal pitfalls to be avoided.


syllabus, syllabi, journalism, communication, media, strategic media
