

Submission Guidelines


We consider papers on any research conducted by undergraduates at the U of M. Authors may be current U of M students, participants in U of M summer research programs, or students who have completed their undergraduate programs within the past three semesters. Papers may be single or co-authored, but at least one primary author must have been an undergraduate student at the time the research was conducted. In cases where students are members of a larger research team, the paper should reflect the students' contribution to the larger project.


Submissions should not be creative manuscripts. Instead, they should present analysis of some type of data. In the case of collaborative research with faculty, papers should focus on the students' contribution to the larger project. While there is no minimum or maximum length for submissions, we understand that different disciplines have different norms and that the length of submissions will vary. However, 8000 words or less is preferred. Any research involving human subjects should have received approval from the appropriate Institutional Review Board (IRB). Authors (in consultation with their faculty sponsors) are responsible for adhering to IRB guidelines.


Submissions may not be under review for publication elsewhere. Authors retain copyright of their work and may publish their papers elsewhere after their Volume of QuaesitUM is published, provided the requirements of all parties are satisfied. Given the hard work that our editorial team puts into each paper prior to publication, if you publish your work elsewhere we ask that you include an acknowledgement of QuaesitUM and its editorial staff. For more elaborate explanation of author's rights, click here.

Deadline for Submissions

Submissions are accepted anytime. The deadline for the current year's volume is the Friday after the first day of the Spring semester. When possible, late submissions will be published the same year, but if not, they can be included in the next volume.

Review Process

Submissions should be uploaded to the Quaesitum submission manager, Scholastica. After submission, articles are screened by the Quaesitum editorial staff. Manuscripts meeting and exceeding the panel's criteria are then forwarded to volunteer faculty reviewers who have expertise in a field of research relevant to the manuscript. This is a double-blind process: both the authors and the faculty reviewers remain anonymous. Final selection decisions are left to the editorial staff.

Revision Process

After the review process is complete (usually mid-March), authors will be notified of the review board's decision. Authors whose papers are selected for publication will receive suggestions for revision from the reviewers and editorial board. Authors are required to revise their manuscripts before final publication.

Award Opportunity

Exceptional papers will be eligible to receive a QuaesitUM Outstanding Paper Award, which carries a monetary prize of $500.