Special Collections | University of Memphis Research | University of Memphis Digital Commons
Special Collections

Special Collections

Welcome to the Special Collections Department of the University of Memphis Libraries. To enhance access to our rich and varied collections, we have digitized a wide range of materials including collection finding aids or guides, primary source documents, still images, and audio and video recordings. Topics covered include, but are not limited to, Memphis and regional history and culture in general, family and political life, the Civil War and other conflicts, Civil Rights, and the African American community and culture. This is a growing collection and what is displayed here represents only a small fraction of our holdings. Please contact the Special Collections Department (specialcollections@memphis.edu) for further information about its collections.

For further information about the Branch Libraries collections, please contact the Lambuth Library (lib_branch@memphis.edu) for inquires regarding Lambuth Collections or the Music Library (lib_music@memphis.edu) for questions regarding Shake, Rattle & Roll.


Browse University of Memphis Special Collections:

Church Family Papers

Benjamin Lawson Hooks Papers

Early Memphis Newspaper Indices

Special Collections Publications

Memphis Sanitation Workers' Strike, 1968

Special Collections Finding Aids

Manuscript Collections

University Archives

Exhibits and Programs

Branch Libraries