Submissions from 2001
Beyond ba-ba and gu-gu: Challenges and strategies in coding infant vocalizations, Suneeti Nathani and D. Kimbrough Oller
Intuitive identification of infant vocal sounds by parents, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, and Devorah Basinger
The aging voice: A review, treatment data and familial and genetic perspectives, Lorraine Olson Ramig, Steven Gray, Kristin Baker, Kim Corbin-Lewis, Eugene Buder, Erich Luschei, Hillary Coon, and Marshall Smith
Preparation of the speech-language pathologist specializing in voice: An educational survey, Miriam Van Mersbergen, Julie Ostrem, and Ingo R. Titze
Submissions from 2000
Vocal atypicalities of preverbal autistic children, Stephen J. Sheinkopf, Peter Mundy, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Michele Steffens
Submissions from 1999
Use of technology in phonological assessment: Evaluation of early meaningful speech and prelinguistic vocalizations, Julie J. Masterson and D. Kimbrough Oller
Precursors to speech in infancy: The prediction of speech and language disorders, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, A. Rebecca Neal, and Heidi K. Schwartz
Time-of-day effects on voice range profile performance in young, vocally untrained adult females, Miriam R. Van Mersbergen, Katherine Verdolini, and Ingo R. Titze
An event-based analysis of the coordination of early infant vocalizations and facial actions., M. E. Yale, D. S. Messinger, A. B. Cobo-Lewis, D. K. Oller, and R. E. Eilers
Submissions from 1998
Phonological translation in bilingual and monolingual children, D. Kimbrough Oller, Alan B. Cobo-Lewis, and Rebecca E. Eilers
Late onset canonical babbling: A possible early marker of abnormal development, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, A. Rebecca Neal, and Alan B. Cobo-Lewis
Submissions from 1997
Longitudinal speech perception performance of young children with cochlear implants and tactile aids plus hearing aids, R. E. Eilers, A. B. Cobo-Lewis, K. C. Vergara, and D. K. Oller
Long-term phonatory instability in individuals with multiple sclerosis, Lena Hartelius, Eugene H. Buder, and Edythe A. Strand
Development of precursors to speech in infants exposed to two languages, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, Richard Urbano, and Alan B. Cobo-Lewis
The relation of input factors to lexical learning by bilingual infants, Barbara Z. Pearson, Sylvia C. Fernández, Vanessa Lewedeg, and D. Kimbrough Oller
Practical evaluation procedure to assess and remediate speech perception skills, K. C. Vergara, L. W. Miskiel, D. K. Oller, and R. E. Eilers
Submissions from 1996
FORMOFFA: An automated formant, moment, fundamental frequency, amplitude analysis of normal and disordered speech, E. H. Buder, R. D. Kent, J. F. Kent, P. Milenkovic, and M. Workinger
Relations of motor and vocal milestones in typically developing infants and infants with Down syndrome, Alan B. Cobo-Lewis, D. Kimbrough Oller, Michael P. Lynch, and Sharyse L. Levine
A longitudinal evaluation of the speech perception capabilities of children using multichannel tactile vocoders, Rebecca E. Eilers, Alan B. Cobo-Lewis, Kathleen C. Vergara, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Karen E. Friedman
Consonant-vowel interdependencies in babbling and early words: preliminary examination of a locus equation approach, Harvey M. Sussman, Fred D. Minifie, Eugene H. Buder, Carol Stoel-Gammon, and Jason Smith
Submissions from 1995
A cohort study of children using multichannel tactile AIDS and cochlear implants, R. E. Eilers, A. B. Cobo-Lewis, K. C. Vergara, D. K. Oller, and M. M. Dolan-Ash
Acoustic analysis of dysarthria associated with multiple sclerosis, Lena Hartelius, Lennart Nord, and Eugene H. Buder
Acoustic correlates of stress in young children's speech, M. Kehoe, C. Stoel-Gammon, and E. H. Buder
Phrasing in prelinguistic vocalizations, Michael P. Lynch, D. Kimbrough Oller, Michele L. Steffens, and Eugene H. Buder
Onset of speech-like vocalizations in infants with Down syndrome, M. P. Lynch, D. K. Oller, M. L. Steffens, S. L. Levine, D. L. Basinger, and V. Umbel
Tactile AIDS for the hearing impaired: An overview, D. K. Oller
Extreme poverty and the development of precursors to the speech capacity, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, Devorah Basinger, Michele L. Steffens, and Richard Urbano
Cross-language synonyms in the lexicons of bilingual infants: One language or two?, Barbara Zurer Pearson, Sylvia Fernandez, and D. K. Oller
Training children to use tactual vocoders in a model program, K. C. Vergara, L. W. Miskiel, D. K. Oller, and R. Eilers
Submissions from 1994
Infant vocalizations and the early diagnosis of severe hearing impairment, Rebecca E. Eilers and D. Kimbrough Oller
Reply, Rebecca E. Eilers and D. Kimbrough Oller
Reply To: Benefit of early fitting of hearing aids, Rebecca E. Eilers and D. Kimbrough Oller
Infants' vocalization patterns across home and laboratory environments, Vanessa L. Lewedag, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Michael P. Lynch
Speech-Like Vocalizations in Infancy: An Evaluation of Potential Risk Factors, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, Michele L. Steffens, Richard Urbano, and Michael P. Lynch
Early vocal development in tactually aided children with severe-profound hearing loss, M. L. Steffens, R. E. Eilers, L. Fishman, D. K. Oller, and R. C. Urbano
Cross-language differences in phonological acquisition: Swedish and american/t/, Carol Stoel-Gammon, Karen Williams, and Eugene Buder
Differential phonatory characteristics of four women with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Edythe A. Strand, Eugene H. Buder, Kathyrn M. Yorkston, and Lorraine Olson Ramig
Submissions from 1993
The role of prematurity and socioeconomic status in the onset of canonical babbling in infants, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, Sharyse Levine, Devorah Basinger, Michael P. Lynch, and Richard Urbano
Evaluation of an LPC-based tactile aid for the deaf, Edward Miskiel, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. K. Oller, and Ozcan Ozdamar
Lexical Development in Bilingual Infants and Toddlers: Comparison to Monolingual Norms, Barbara Zurer Pearson, Sylvia C. Fernández, and D. Kimbrough Oller
Curricula objectives for educators of children with cochlear implants., K. C. Vergara, D. K. Oller, R. Eilers, and T. Balkany
Submissions from 1992
Digital signal processor-based feature extraction vocoder for the deaf, E. Miskiel, O. Ozdamar, D. K. Oller, and R. Eilers
FFT-based digital tactile vocoder system for real-time use, O. Özdamar, C. N. Lopez, D. K. Oller, R. E. Eilers, E. Miskiel, and M. P. Lynch
Speech analysis systems: An evaluation, C. Read, E. H. Buder, and R. D. Kent
Vocal development in infants with Down syndrome and infants who are developing normally, M. L. Steffens, D. K. Oller, M. Lynch, and R. C. Urbano
Measuring Bilingual Children's Receptive Vocabularies, Vivian M. Umbel, Barbara Z. Pearson, María C. Fernández, and D. K. Oller
Submissions from 1991
A Nonlinear Dynamic Model of Social Interaction, Eugene H. Buder
The stop/glide boundary shift: Modelling perceptual data1, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, Edward Miskiel, Rebecca Burns, and Richard Urbano
Submissions from 1990
Innateness, Experience, and Music Perception, Michael P. Lynch, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Richard C. Urbano
Speech analysis systems: A survey, C. Read, E. H. Buder, and R. D. Kent
Submissions from 1989
The effects of vocoder filter configuration on tactual perception of speech, R. E. Eilers, O. Ozdamar, D. K. Oller, E. Miskiel, and R. Urbano
Conflicting and cooperating cues: Perception of cues to final consonant voicing by infants and adults, R. Eilers, D. K. Oller, R. Urbano, and D. Moroff
Design and methodological requirements for studying the role of language acquisition in cognitive/social development, D. B. Greenfield and D. K. Oller
Development of speech-like vocalizations in a child with congenital absence of cochleas: The case of total deafness, Michael P. Lynch, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Michele Steffens
Multisensory speech perception by profoundly hearing-impaired children, M. P. Lynch, R. E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, and A. Cobo-Lewis
Multisensory narrative tracking by a profoundly deaf subject using an electrocutaneous vocoder and a vibrotactile aid, M. P. Lynch, R. E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, R. C. Urbano, and P. J. Pero
A natural logic of speech and speech-like acts with developmental implications, D. K. Oller and Rebecca E. Eilers
Tactual artificial hearing as an aid to speech and language acquisition, D. Kimbrough Oller, Rebecca E. Eilers, and Michael P. Lynch
Submissions from 1988
Similarities between tactual and auditory speech perception, R. E. Eilers, O. Ozdamar, D. K. Oller, E. Miskiel, and R. Urbano
Assessment techniques to evaluate tactual aids for hearing-impaired subjects, R. E. Eilers, J. E. Widen, and D. K. Oller
The role of audition in infant babbling., D. K. Oller and R. E. Eilers
Babbling of prelinguistic mentally retarded children, D. K. Oller and J. M. Seibert
Computer system for quantitative evaluation of an electrotactile vocoder for artificial hearing, Özcan Özdamar, D. Kimbrough Oller, Edward Miskiel, and Rebecca Eilers
Submissions from 1985
Infants' discrimination of final syllable fundamental frequency in multisyllabic stimuli, Dale Bull, Rebecca E. Eilers, and D. Kimbrough Oller
Developmental aspects of infant speech discrimination: the role of linguistic experience, Rebecca E. Eilers and D. Kimbrough Oller
Prespeech vocalizations of a deaf infant: A comparison with normal metaphonological development, D. K. Oller, R. E. Eilers, D. H. Bull, and A. E. Carney
Where's the drift in babbling drift? A cross-linguistic study, Deborah M. Thevenin, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Lawrence Lavoie
Submissions from 1984
Infants’ discrimination of intensity variation in multisyllabic stimuli, Dale Bull, Rebecca E. Eilers, and D. Kimbrouah Oller
The discrimination of vowel duration by infants, Rebecca E. Eilers, Dale H. Bull, D. Kimbrouah Oller, and Diana C. Lewis
Tactual Perception of Speech‐like Stimuli with an Electrocutaneous Vocoder, Rebecca E. Eilers, Dale H. Bull, and D. Kimbrough Oller
The Acquisition of Voicing Contrasts in Spanish and English Learning Infants and Children: A Longitudinal Study, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Carmen R. Benito-Garcia
Linguistic Experience and Infant Speech Perception: A Reply to Jusczyk, Shea & Aslin (1984), Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, Dale H. Bull, and William J. Gavin
Submissions from 1983
Speech identification in Spanish- and English-learning 2-year-olds, D. Kimbrough Oller and R. E. Eilers
NON-REAL TIME SOFTWARE VOCODER FOR TACTUAL COMMUNICATION., Baiju D. Mandalia, Moiez A. Tapia, D. Kimbrough Oller, Dale H. Bull, and Rebecca E. Eilers
Submissions from 1982
Cross-linguistic perception in infancy: Early effects of linguistic experience, Rebecca E. Eilers, William J. Gavin, and D. Kimbrough Oller
Similarity of babbling in Spanish- and English-learning babies, D. K. Oller and R. E. Eilers
Submissions from 1981
Linguistic pragmatics and language intervention strategies, Jeffrey M. Seibert and D. Kimbrough Oller
A comparative study of pre-meaningful vocalizations produced by normally developing and Down's syndrome infants, B. L. Smith and D. K. Oller
Submissions from 1980
A comparative study of speech perception in young severely retarded children and normally developing infants, R. E. Eilers and D. K. Oller
Tactual speech perception by minimally trained deaf subjects, D. K. Oller, S. L. Payne, and W. J. Gavin
Submissions from 1978
The relatedness of phonological processes of a hearing-impaired child, D. Kimbrough Oller, Howard T. Jensen, and Ronald H. Lafayette
Submissions from 1976
The role of speech discrimination in developmental sound substitutions, Rebecca E. Eilers and D. Kimbrough Oller
On the nature of the phonological capacity, D. Kimbrough Oller and Irene Warren
Infant babbling and speech, D. Kimbrough Oller, Leslie A. Wieman, William J. Doyle, and Carol Ross
Submissions from 1975
Phonetic expectation and transcription validity, D. K. Oller and R. E. Eilers
Submissions from 1974
The acquisition of word-meaning for dimensional adjectives: The long and short of it, Rebecca E. Eilers, D. Kimbrough Oller, and Judy Ellington
Phonological substitution processes of a hard of hearing child, D. K. Oller and C. A. Kelly
A reanalysis of Lenneberg's Biological Foundations of Language by a behaviorist and a nativist, S. I. Sulzbacher and D. Kimbrough Oller
Submissions from 1973
Regularities in abnormal child phonology., D. K. Oller
The effect of position in utterance on speech segment duration in English, D. Kimbrough Oller