"“London, January 9"

“London, January 9





Montreal Herald

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Page 2, Column 4

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Montreal, Canada

Serial Number



Account of earthquakes in Europe in December 1811


LONDON, JANUARY 9. The KING was still alive and remained as well as usual-In a paper of the 9th is an official declaration of the members of the Queen's council, relative to his health. After an examination of the physicians, they declare that the state of his health is not such as to enable him to resume the personal exercise of the royal authority; that his bodily health appears to be as good as stated in former reports-that all physicians, agree that they think his complete and final recovery improbable. Mr. R. Wellesley, is appointed one of the Lords of the Treasury. Tuesday a Cabinet Council assembled at the Foreign Office, on business of importance. The Gazette contains a notification of the blockade of the River Guadelquiver, with respect to vessels loaded with provisions and warlike stores. The harvest in every part of England, it appears, has been very scanty-particularly in the production of barleys and wheat. Letters from Stockholm, copied in the London papers, say that the King is shortly to resume his functions, and convene a diet, but for the purpose merely of abdicating the Crown of Sweden in favour of Bernadette, retaining however, the title of King. The French minister, Alquire, having had a difference with the Swedish minister for foreign affairs, had left Stockholm and now acts as ambassador at the court of Copenhagen. Several shocks of an earthquake were felt in France on the 12th and 18th Dec.-At Paris, on the 18th, 55 min, past 11, p.m.- At Marenburg on the 12th, at 8 in the evening, the direction from North to South. From a Note transmitted by the Emperor of Austria to the Stadtholder of Lower Austria, it is manifested beyond all doubt that French troops are and have been marching through the Austrian territories. The marching of these troops in such a direction can scarcely have any other object than the commencement of hostilities with Russia.

