“Pittsburgh, Dec. 27”





Hampshire Federalist

Page and Column

Page 4, Column 2 and 3

Newspaper Location

Springfield, Massachusetts

Serial Number



Felt report for the December 16, 1811 earthquake for Pittsburgh, Waterford and Meadville, Pennsylvania. Notes that severe shocks were felt at Pittsburgh, Waterford and Meadville. At Meadville the first shock was felt at 3:00 am (local time). The effect was to awake many people from the shaking of their beds. The duration was 10 to 15 minutes long. Another was felt at Meadville at 8:00 am( local time) that vibrated trees, and small bodies of water in the streets On Tuesday December 17, another was noted at Meadville at 12:00 am(local time) that was slighter than the others.


PITTSBURGH, DEC. 27. EARTHQUAKE. By accounts from Meadville and Waterford, we are informed, that severe shocks of an Earthquake were felt at those places on Monday morning the 16th inst. at the same time of those experienced here. At Meadville, the one which happened at 3 was so sensibly felt, that many persons were awakened by the rocking of their bed, and the tremulous motion continued from 10 to 15 minutes-the one at 8 o'clock was nearly as severe, but did not continue so long-the tops of the trees near the town were seen to vibrate for about a minute, and the water in the streets appeared in waves as if a sudden blast of wind had passed over them. On Tuesday about the middle of the day, a third shock was felt, but was slighter than the others.
