“A smart shock of an earthquake...”
Petersburg Intelligencer
Page and Column
Page 3, Column 1
Newspaper Location
Petersburg, Virginia
Serial Number
Felt report for Petersburg, Virginia for the February 7, 1812 earthquake. Time of the earthquake was 4:20 am(local time) and its duration was not noted. People were shaken awake, doors opened, rattling of china and glass. and the vibration of loose furniture was noted. Only felt report from Petersburg known and best detailed.
A smart shock of an Earthquake was felt in this town on Friday morning last, about 20 minutes past 4 o'clock.-The same effects, of persons being waked from their sleep, bursting open of doors, rattling of china and glass, loose furniture, &c. (noticed in other places) were produced here.-[{hand}-Vide article under the Raleigh head]
Recommended Citation
"“A smart shock of an earthquake...”" (1812). New Madrid Compendium Far-Field Database. 998.