Submissions from 2024
Exploring the Dynamic Interactions Between the Southern San Andreas Fault and a Normal Fault Under the Salton Sea, Luis Iván Bazán Flores, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, David D. Oglesby, Aron J. Meltzner, Thomas K. Rockwell, John M. Fletcher, and Daniel Brothers
Creep on the Argentine Precordillera Décollement Following the 2015 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake: Implications for Andean Seismotectonics, M. A. Figueroa, F. S. Sobrero, D. D. Gómez, R. Smalley, M. G. Bevis, W. A. Griffith, D. J. Caccamise, and E. C. Kendrick
Regional seismic velocity model for the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains based on measured shear wave velocity, sediment thickness, and surface geology, Cassie Gann-Phillips, Ashly Cabas, Chunyang Ji, Chris Cramer, James Kaklamanos, and Oliver Boyd
A laboratory perspective on accelerating preparatory processes before earthquakes and implications for foreshock detectability, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Valerian Schuster, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Kiran Pandey, and Georg Dresen
An empirical tool for predicting the presence or absence of coseismic displacements at GNSS stations, Demián D. Gómez, Michael G. Bevis, Dana J. Caccamise, W. Ashley Griffith, Jacob M. Heck, and Robert Smalley
Development of a 3D Geologic Model Used in the Seismic Hazard and Liquefaction Hazard Analysis of Madison County, Tennessee, Valarie Joyner Harrison, Hamed Tohidi, Roy van Arsdale, Chris Cramer, and David Arellano
Magnitude Clustering During Stick-Slip Dynamics on Laboratory Faults, Omid Khajehdehi, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Georg Dresen, and Jörn Davidsen
Induced seismicity and surface deformation associated with long-term and abrupt geothermal operations in Blue Mountain, Nevada, Roshan Koirala, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Manoochehr Shirzaei, Emily Brodsky, Trenton Cladouhos, Michael Swyer, and Thomas Goebel
Intermittent Criticality Multi-Scale Processes Leading to Large Slip Events on Rough Laboratory Faults, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Thomas Goebel, Marco Bohnhoff, Yehuda Ben-Zion, and Georg Dresen
Direct Dynamic Triggering Scenarios of the Southern San Andreas Fault by Moderate-Magnitude Cross-Fault Earthquakes in the Brawley Seismic Zone, California, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos and David D. Oglesby
Separation of Intrinsic and Scattering Seismic Wave Attenuation in the Crust of Central and South-Central Alaska, Anuradha Mahanama, Simona Gabrielli, Chris H. Cramer, and Aybige Akinci
Geophysical Observations of the 2023 September 24 OSIRIS-REx Sample Return Capsule Reentry, Elizabeth A. Silber, Daniel C. Bowman, and Charles A. Langston
Full Waveform Inversion Based on Dynamic Time Warping and Application to Reveal the Crustal Structure of Western Yunnan, Southwest China, Jiayan Tan, Weitao Wang, and Charles A. Langston
Denoising of Dense Spatial Array Data Using the Curvelet Transform, Jia Zhang, Charles A. Langston, and Hongfeng Yang
Submissions from 2023
Partitioning local seismogram wavefields using continuous wavelet transform methods for IRIS wavefield experiment arrays, Oluwaseyi J. Bolarinwa and Charles A. Langston
A Thin Elastic Plate Model for Thermally Contracting Young Oceanic Lithosphere: Insights From Comparison With Modern Seafloor Observations, Eunseo Choi and Masako Tominaga
Seismic and Liquefaction Hazard Maps for Five Western Tennessee Counties, Chris H. Cramer, Roy B. Van Arsdale, David Arellano, Shahram Pezeshk, Stephen P. Horton, Taylor Weathers, Nima Nazemi, Hamed Tohidi, Renee Reichenbacher, Valarie Harrison, Roshan R. Bhattarai, Mohsen Akhani, Karim Bouzeid, and Gary L. Patterson
Development of a Site Response and Hazard Model for the US Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, Cassie V. Gann-Phillips, Ashly Cabas, Chris H. Cramer, Zachary M. Militello, and James Kaklamanos
Fault Roughness Promotes Earthquake-Like Aftershock Clustering in the Lab, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Emily E. Brodsky, and Georg Dresen
On the determination of coseismic deformation models to improve access to geodetic reference frame conventional epochs in low-density GNSS networks, Demián D. Gómez, Mara A. Figueroa, Franco S. Sobrero, Robert Smalley, Michael G. Bevis, Dana J. Caccamise, and Eric Kendrick
Explainable machine learning for labquake prediction using catalog-driven features, Sadegh Karimpouli, Danu Caus, Harsh Grover, Patricia Martínez-Garzón, Marco Bohnhoff, Gregory C. Beroza, Georg Dresen, Thomas Goebel, Tobias Weigel, and Grzegorz Kwiatek
Do Subducted Seamounts Act as Weak Asperities?, Sungho Lee, Eunseo Choi, and Christopher H. Scholz
Crustal and uppermost mantle structures imaged by teleseismic P-wave traveltime tomography beneath the Southeastern Korean Peninsula: Implications for a hydrothermal system controlled by the thermally modified lithosphere, Sungho Lee, Jung Hun Song, Dabeen Heo, Junkee Rhie, Tae Seob Kang, Eunseo Choi, Young Hee Kim, Kwang Hee Kim, and Jin Han Ree
Lateral Variations of Attenuation in the Crust of Alaska Using Lg Q Tomography, Anuradha Mahanama and Chris H. Cramer
Topographic evidence of long wavelength active folding in the New Madrid seismic zone, intraplate North America, Samia Noor, Randel Tom Cox, Robert Smalley, and Md Rizwanul Hasan
Inferring damage state and evolution with increasing stress using direct and coda wave velocity measurements in faulted and intact granite samples, Kiran Pandey, Taka'aki Taira, Georg Dresen, and Thomas H. Goebel
Large-scale heterogeneities can alter the characteristics of compressive failure and accelerated seismic release, Andrew Patton, Thomas Goebel, Grzegorz Kwiatek, and Jörn Davidsen
Broadband magnetotelluric study of the axial fault region of the New Madrid Seismic Zone, Kaushik Sarker, Chris H. Cramer, Charles A. Langston, Roshan Raj Bhattarai, and Anuradha Mahanama
Regional Characteristics of Observable Foreshocks, Nadav Wetzler, Emily E. Brodsky, Esteban J. Chaves, Thomas Goebel, and Thorne Lay
Variation of Proportionality Between Stress Drop and Slip, With Implications for Megathrust Earthquakes, Baoning Wu, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, David D. Oglesby, and Kenny J. Ryan
Submissions from 2022
Tectonophysics Perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science, Alyssa L. Abbey, Eunseo Choi, Florian Neumann, Carolina Ortiz-Guerrero, and Rosaria Tondi
Influence of source-to-site distance and diagenesis on liquefaction triggering of 200,000-year-old beach sand, Barnabas Bwambale, Ronald D. Andrus, Tahereh Heidari, Joshua Gathro, and Chris H. Cramer
Inferring Hydrological Properties of the Rainfall-Runoff Conversion Process through Artificial Neural Network Modeling, Francesco Dell'aira, Tareq J. Chy, Thomas H.W. Goebel, and Claudio I. Meier
Transient ice loss in the Patagonia Icefields during the 2015–2016 El Niño event, Demián D. Gómez, Michael G. Bevis, Robert Smalley, Michael Durand, Michael J. Willis, Dana J. Caccamise, Eric Kendrick, Pedro Skvarca, Franco S. Sobrero, Héctor Parra, and Gino Casassa
Donald V. Helmberger's art and science of waveforms, Charles A. Langston
Contributions from lithospheric and upper-mantle heterogeneities to upper crustal seismicity in the Korean Peninsula, Sungho Lee, Arushi Saxena, Jung Hun Song, Junkee Rhie, and Eunseo Choi
Geomorphology, Three-Dimensional Geology, and Seismologic Hazards of the New Madrid Seismic Zone in Dyer County, Tennessee, Renee Reichenbacher, Roy van Arsdale, Randel Cox, and Chris Cramer
Detecting lithospheric discontinuities beneath the Mississippi Embayment using S-wave receiver functions, Arushi Saxena and Charles Adam Langston
What comes first: The fault or the ductile shear zone?, Christopher H. Scholz and Eunseo Choi
Shape Dynamic Time Warping for Seismic Waveform Inversion, Jiayan Tan and Charles A. Langston
The effects of pre-stress assumptions on dynamic rupture with complex fault geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, California, region, Jennifer M. Tarnowski, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, David D. Oglesby, Michele L. Cooke, and Aviel Stern
Early Holocene relative sea-level changes on the central east coast of the Yellow Sea, Dong Yoon Yang, Min Han, Hyun Ho Yoon, Ara Cho, Jin Cheul Kim, Eunseo Choi, and Kaoru Kashima
Full Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography for the Northern Mississippi Embayment, Y. Yang, C. A. Langston, C. A. Powell, and W. A. Thomas
Teleseismic P-to-Rayleigh Conversions from Near-Surface Geological Structure along the Newport–Inglewood Fault Zone in Long Beach, California, Jia Zhang and Charles A. Langston
A New Madrid Seismic Zone Fault System Model From Relative Event Locations and Application of Optimal Anisotropic Dynamic Clustering, Yixin Zhang, Oluwaseun Fadugba, Christine Powell, Stephen Horton, and Charles A. Langston
Submissions from 2021
Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth in the Crust?, Rachel E. Abercrombie, Daniel T. Trugman, Peter M. Shearer, Xiaowei Chen, Jiewen Zhang, Colin N. Pennington, Jeanne L. Hardebeck, and Thomas H.W. Goebel
Stress drop-magnitude dependence of acoustic emissions during laboratory stick-slip, Aglaja Blanke, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Marco Bohnhoff, and Georg Dresen
Calibrating the 2016 iris wavefields experiment nodal sensors for amplitude statics and orientation errors, Oluwaseyi J. Bolarinwa and Charles A. Langston
On the Rupture Propagation of the 2019 M6.4 Searles Valley, California, Earthquake, and the Lack of Immediate Triggering of the M7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake, Jordan T. Cortez, David D. Oglesby, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Baoning Wu, Kuntal Chaudhuri, Abhijit Ghosh, and Roby Douilly
What Controls the Presence and Characteristics of Aftershocks in Rock Fracture in the Lab?, Jörn Davidsen, Thomas Goebel, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Sergei Stanchits, Jordi Baró, and Georg Dresen
PEER NGA-East database, Christine A. Goulet, Tadahiro Kishida, Timothy D. Ancheta, Chris H. Cramer, Robert B. Darragh, Walter J. Silva, Youssef M.A. Hashash, and Joseph Harmon
Measuring Fault Zone and Host Rock Hydraulic Properties Using Tidal Responses, H. Guo, E. E. Brodsky, T. H.W. Goebel, and T. T. Cladouhos
A Geology and Geodesy Based Model of Dynamic Earthquake Rupture on the Rodgers Creek-Hayward-Calaveras Fault System, California, R. A. Harris, M. Barall, D. A. Lockner, D. E. Moore, D. A. Ponce, R. W. Graymer, G. Funning, and C. A. Morrow
Coherence and variability of ground motion in New Madrid Seismic Zone using an array of 600 m, Md Monsurul Huda and Charles A. Langston
3D Printing in Geology and Geophysics: A New World of Opportunities in Research, Outreach, and Education, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Nicolas C. Barth, Paula Koelemeijer, Jeff Winterbourne, and Renaud Toussaint
Asymmetric Topography Causes Normal Stress Perturbations at the Rupture Front: The Case of the Cajon Pass, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos, Baoning Wu, and David D. Oglesby
Phased array analysis incorporating the continuous wavelet transform, Charles A. Langston
Seismicity in the central and southeastern United States due to upper mantle heterogeneities, Arushi Saxena, Eunseo Choi, Christine A. Powell, and Khurram S. Aslam
Shallow shear-wave velocity structure in oklahoma based on the joint inversion of ambient noise dispersion and teleseismic p-wave receiver functions, Jiayan Tan, Charles A. Langston, and Sidao Ni
Initial Liquefaction Hazard Mapping of Northwest Tennessee Based on Liquefaction Probability Curves, Hamed Tohidi, David Arellano, and Chris H. Cramer
Monitoring human activity at a very local scale with ground-motion records: The early stage of covid-19 pandemic in california, u.s.a., new york city, u.s.a., and mexicali, mexico, Baoning Wu, Roby Douilly, Heather A. Ford, Gareth Funning, Hsin Yu Lee, Shankho Niyogi, Manuel Mendoza, and Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos
Submissions from 2020
Updated GMICE for central and Eastern North America extending to higher intensities, Chris H. Cramer
What Controls Variations in Aftershock Productivity?, Kelian Dascher-Cousineau, Emily E. Brodsky, Thorne Lay, and Thomas H.W. Goebel
Seismic and Aseismic Preparatory Processes Before Large Stick–Slip Failure, Georg Dresen, Grzegorz Kwiatek, Thomas Goebel, and Yehuda Ben-Zion
Current status and future of regional seismic network monitoring in the central and eastern United States, John E. Ebe, Martin C. Chapma, Won Young Kim, and Mitchell Withers
Preface to the focus section on North American regional seismic networks, John E. Ebe, Elizabeth Vanacore, and Mitchell Withers
More than 40 yr of potentially induced seismicity close to the San Andreas Fault in San Ardo, Central California, Thomas H.W. Goebel and Manoochehr Shirzaei
Directionality of ambient noise in the Mississippi embayment, Chunyu Liu, Khurram Aslam, and Charles A. Langston
Regional global navigation satellite system networks for crustal deformation monitoring, Jessica R. Murra, Noel Bartlow, Yehuda Bock, Benjamin A. Brook, James Foster, Jeffrey Freymueller, William C. Hammon, and Kathleen Hodgkinson
East African earthquakes below 20 km depth and their implications for crustal structure, Andrew A. Nyblade and Charles A. Langston
Experimental and modeling study of the effect of fault roughness on dynamic frictional sliding, Yuval Tal, Thomas Goebel, and Jean Philippe Avouac
Continental Earthquakes: Physics, Simulation, and Data Science—Introduction, Zhongliang Wu, Yongxian Zhang, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Qinghua Huang, Charles A. Williams, Huilin Xing, and John B. Rundle
Processing seismic ambient noise data with the continuous wavelet transform to obtain reliable empirical Green's functions, Yang Yang, Chunyu Liu, and Charles A. Langston
Separating the scattered wavefield from teleseismic P using curvelets on the long beach array data set, Jia Zhang and Charles A. Langston
Submissions from 2019
Impact of a larger fore-arc region on earthquake ground motions in south-central Alaska including the 2018 M 7.1 Anchorage Inslab earthquake, Chris H. Cramer and Eric Jambo
Effects of Preexisting Structures on the Seismicity of the Charlevoix Seismic Zone, Oluwaseun Idowu Fadugba, Eunseo Choi, and Christine A. Powell
Aftershock deficiency of induced earthquake sequences during rapid mitigation efforts in Oklahoma, T. H.W. Goebel, Z. Rosson, E. E. Brodsky, and J. I. Walter
3D printing: A remedy to common misconceptions about earthquakes, Christodoulos Kyriakopoulos
Dynamic Rupture Scenarios in the Brawley Seismic Zone, Salton Trough, Southern California, C. Kyriakopoulos, D. D. Oglesby, T. K. Rockwell, A. J. Meltzner, M. Barall, John M. Fletcher, and Drew Tulanowski
Separating signal from noise and from other signal using nonlinear thresholding and scale-time windowing of continuous wavelet transforms, Charles A. Langston and Seyed Mostafa Mousavi
Earthquake early warning feasibility study for the new Madrid seismic zone, Luke Philip Ogweno, Mitch M. Withers, and Chris H. Cramer
Earthquake early warning feasibility study for the new Madrid seismic zone, Luke Philip Ogweno, Mitch M. Withers, and Chris H. Cramer
Persistent fine-scale fault structure and rupture development: A new twist in the Parkfield, California, story, Clément Perrin, Felix Waldhauser, Eunseo Choi, and Christopher H. Scholz
Narrow Spatial Aftershock Zones for Induced Earthquake Sequences in Oklahoma, Z. Rosson, J. I. Walter, T. Goebel, and X. Chen
Illuminating subduction zone rheological properties in the wake of a giant earthquake, Jonathan R. Weiss, Qiang Qiu, Sylvain Barbot, Tim J. Wright, James H. Foster, Alexander Saunders, Benjamin A. Brooks, and Michael Bevis
Earthquake Swarms Triggered by Groundwater Extraction Near the Dead Sea Fault, Nadav Wetzler, Eyal Shalev, Thomas Göbel, Falk Amelung, Ittai Kurzon, Vladimir Lyakhovsky, and Emily E. Brodsky
Strategies for Recording the Full Seismic Wavefield, Robert Woodward, Charles Langston, Justin Sweet, and Kent Anderson
Submissions from 2018
Visibility Graph Analysis of Alaska Crustal and Aleutian Subduction Zone Seismicity: An Investigation of the Correlation between b Value and k–M Slope, Shima Azizzadeh-Roodpish and Chris H. Cramer
Observed rapid bedrock uplift in amundsen sea embayment promotes ice-sheet stability, Valentina R. Barletta, Michael Bevis, Benjamin E. Smith, Terry Wilson, Abel Brown, Andrea Bordoni, Michael Willis, and Shfaqat Abbas Khan
Temporal Correlation Between Seismic Moment and Injection Volume for an Induced Earthquake Sequence in Central Oklahoma, Xiaowei Chen, Jackson Haffener, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Xiaofeng Meng, Zhigang Peng, and Jefferson C. Chang
Gulf coast regional Q and boundaries from USArray data, Chris H. Cramer
Update of the urban seismic and liquefaction hazard maps for memphis and Shelby County, Tennessee: Liquefaction probability curves and 2015 hazard maps, Chris H. Cramer, Mahesh S. Dhar, and David Arellano
Probabilistic seismic and liquefaction hazard analysis of the Mississippi embayment incorporating nonlinear effects, Mahesh Singh Dhar and Chris H. Cramer
The spatial footprint of injection wells in a global compilation of induced earthquake sequences, Thomas H.W. Goebel and Emily E. Brodsky
A Probabilistic Approach to Injection-Induced Seismicity Assessment in the Presence and Absence of Flow Boundaries, S. M. Hosseini, T. H.W. Goebel, B. Jha, and F. Aminzadeh
Calibrating Dense Spatial Arrays for Amplitude Statics and Orientation Errors, Charles A. Langston
The history, state, and future of the argentine continuous satellite monitoring network and its contributions to geodesy in Latin America, Diego A. Piñón, Demián D. Gómez, Robert Smalley, Sergio R. Cimbaro, Eduardo A. Lauría, and Michael G. Bevis
A community experiment to record the full seismic wavefield in Oklahoma, Justin R. Sweet, Kent R. Anderson, Susan Bilek, Michael Brudzinski, Xiaowei Chen, Heather DeShon, Chris Hayward, and Marianne Karplus
Earthquakes and Multi-Hazards Around the Pacific Rim, Vol. II: Introduction, Charles A. Williams, Zhigang Peng, Yongxian Zhang, Eiichi Fukuyama, Thomas Goebel, and Mark R. Yoder
Submissions from 2017
Brune stress parameter estimates for the 2016 Mw 5.8 pawnee and other Oklahoma earthquakes, Chris H. Cramer