Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Committee Chair

Richard James

Committee Member

Chloe Lancaster

Committee Member

Vicki Murrell

Committee Member

Stephen Zanskas


This dissertation explores the educational and training opportunities available to those who are pursuing employment as a school counselor director. The primary focus was to examine the participants' educational experiences, as well as what they consider are the requisite knowledge and skills to be an effective school counselor director. In spite of the American School Counselor Association providing a justification for school counselor directors,as well as a description of the roles and functions of this crucial position, currently there are no national standards for educating or training school counselor directors. This study employed a mixed-method research design to investigate the research questions, using both qualitative and quantitative methods of collecting, analyzing, and representing data. Qualitative methods were utilized to initiate the research study and were then triangulated with quantitative methods to provide evidentiary support for the findings. This study applied four methods of data collection: personal journals, a focus group, a national survey, and document analysis. The analysis of both the qualitative and quantitative data suggests that there are statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between what the participants believe are the requisite knowledge and skills for their positions as school counselor directors and the degree to which their educational programs prepared them for these skills. Additionally, this study offers a recommended model program for educating and training school counselor directors through a school counselor leadership certification program. This certification program is a hybrid program that draws both from educational leadership and administration as well as advanced counseling courses that could be implemented as a component of a degree program or an an individual certification track.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
