Electronic Theses and Dissertations





Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Business Administration



Committee Chair

Christine Jiang

Committee Member

Pankaj Jain

Committee Member

David Kemme


This dissertation is composed of two essays. In the first essay, we use the introduction of the first transatlantic trading platform NYSE Arca Europe (NAE), as an exogenous shock to examine the impact of market design on commonality in liquidity. We find that commonality in liquidity increases significantly for stocks traded in the NAE, specifically, the introduction of the transatlantic NAE trading platform increases the comovement of NAE stocks with NAE aggregate liquidity while their comovement with the home market aggregate liquidity decreases. Further, we find that the commonality in liquidity remains unchanged for matched non-NAE control sample stocks. Our results are robust to different methods for computing commonality, different liquidity proxies and across size quintiles. We conclude that market design and trading infrastructure has a significant impact on commonality in liquidity. The second essay investigates the impact of internal governance on stock market liquidity. Acharya, Myers and Rajan (2011) develop a model of internal governance where subordinate managers can effectively monitor the CEO to maintain the future of the firm. Using a measure of internal governance based on the difference in horizons between a CEO and his subordinates, we show that firms with better internal governance have lower information asymmetry and higher liquidity. We also show that internal governance is more effective in enhancing liquidity for firms with CEOs close to retirement, firms that require higher firm-specific skills, and firms with experienced subordinate managers. Our results are robust to inclusion of conventional governance measures, alternative model specifications, and different measures of internal governance and liquidity.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
