Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Lilith Green



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts



Committee Chair

Carol Rambo

Committee Member

Wesley James

Committee Member

Darron Smith

Committee Member

Gretchen Peterson


Prior research on gender diverse caregiving experiences focused mostly on binary transgender perceptions, either treating non-binary people as an afterthought or excluding them altogether. Though non-binary identities are beginning to gain attention in current research, not enough attention has been given to the complex identity processes and discourses that non-binary people must navigate in caregiving encounters. This research sought to bridge that gap in knowledge by comparing and contrasting the ways binary transgender and non-binary people do gender in these encounters. Through 21 in-depth life history interviews, the researcher documented the ways binary transgender and non-binary people adhered to or resisted transnormative narratives with themselves and in caregiving settings, as well as the nuances inherent in the doing of transgender. Participants relied on Biographical Work to frame their experiences. Their complex personal conceptions of gender identity were explored and the performances they adhered to in clinical settings were described. Both binary transgender and non-binary participants reported adhering to transnormative and cisnormative discourses in these encounters, with all participants who sought out gender affirming care perceiving they had to follow a medical model of doing transgender or risk being denied access to care.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest
