Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education



Committee Chair

James Meindl

Committee Member

Thouraya Al-Nasser

Committee Member

Diana Delgado

Committee Member

Laura Casey


Students receiving special education services for emotional disturbance (ED) are one of the most challenging groups of students to work with in the school setting. Special education policies have shifted to place students in their least restrictive environment, which has increased the percentage of students with ED in the general education setting. This change has created a need to identify socially valid and effective interventions that address the unique academic, behavioral, and social skill deficits often identified in students with ED. Previous research suggests that self-management interventions are socially valid and effective across a variety of disabilities, behaviors, and settings. This review explores the use of self-management on the non-academic target behaviors of students with ED. Findings suggest that self-management interventions are moderately to highly effective across settings, including the general education setting. Other findings favor the use of self-monitoring or self-evaluation over self-modeling. More data on the social validity, generalization, and maintenance of self-management interventions is needed to assess its overall acceptability and long-term effectiveness. Keywords: Self-management, emotional disturbance, social validity


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest


Open Access
