Electronic Theses and Dissertations


Kara Wilson



Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science



Committee Chair

Tracy Bruen

Committee Member

Hannah Peters

Committee Member

Sara Foley


Background Dysgeusia is a side effect of chemoradiation that currently has no standard intervention. The findings of this study are intended to improve the understanding of how to best treat dysgeusia to contribute to the prevention of malnutrition and to improve quality of life in affected individuals. Objective This research aims to determine a need to establish best practices that can be applied in a standardized plan of care for nutritional management of dysgeusia in the adult oncology patient in order to prevent adverse outcomes and improve quality of life. Study Design Oncology registered dietitians in healthcare facilities across the United States were surveyed to obtain information regarding the current screening processes and practices related to the identification and treatment of dysgeusia in the oncology patient. Participants A total of 115 registered dietitians were surveyed via an online survey distributed through social media and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group. Results Those that have a current standard protocol for the treatment of dysgeusia reported an incidence of malnutrition less than the calculated average of data collected. Conclusion This research demonstrates a need for increasing awareness related to the overall nutrition status of patients undergoing chemoradiation treatments and the impact that taste alterations may have on these patients’ malnutrition risk.


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
