Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy
Computer Science
Committee Chair
Qishi Wu
Committee Member
Dipankar Dasgupta
Committee Member
King-Ip Lin
Committee Member
Santosh Kumar
An increasing number of high-performance networks provision dedicatedconnections through circuit switching or MPLS/GMPLS techniques to supportlarge data transfer. The link bandwidths in such networks are typicallyshared by multiple users through advance reservation, resulting in varyingbandwidth availability in future time. We investigate a comprehensive set ofadvance bandwidth scheduling problems that are categorized into the followingfour classes. 1) Basic bandwidth scheduling. We formulate four types of problems byexhausting the combinations of different path and bandwidth constraints:fixed/variable path with fixed/variable bandwidth (F/VP-F/VB) with the sameobjective to minimize the data transfer end time for a given date size. ForVPFB and VPVB, we further consider two subcases where the path switchingdelay is negligible or non-negligible. We propose an optimal algorithm foreach of these problems except for FPVB and VPVB with non-negligible pathswitching delay, which are proved to be NP-complete and non-approximable, andthen tackled by heuristics. 2) Bandwidth scheduling in LCC-overlays. We investigate two problems in thisclass: fixed-bandwidth path (FBP) and varying-bandwidth path (VBP) with thesame objective to minimize the data transfer end time for a given data size.We prove both problems to be NP-complete and non-approximable, and proposeheuristic algorithms using a gradual relaxation procedure on the maximumnumber of links from each LCC allowed for path computation. 3) Distributed bandwidth scheduling. We propose distributed algorithms tomeet four basic bandwidth scheduling requests: fixed bandwidth in a fixedslot, highest bandwidth in a fixed slot, first slot with fixed bandwidth andduration, and all slots with fixed bandwidth and duration. These algorithmsare developed through a rigorous extension of the classical breadth firstsearch and Bellman-Ford algorithms to a complete distributed manner. 4) Periodical bandwidth scheduling. We consider two problems in this class:multiple data transfer allocation (MDTA) and multiple fixed-slot bandwidthreservation (MFBR), both of which schedule multiple user requests accumulatedin a certain time window. For MDTA, we design an optimal algorithm andprovide its correctness proof; while for MFBR, we prove it to be NP-completeand propose a heuristic algorithm.
Library Comment
Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to the local University of Memphis Electronic Theses & dissertation (ETD) Repository.
Recommended Citation
Lin, Yunyue, "Advance Bandwidth Scheduling in High-speed Dedicated Networks" (2011). Electronic Theses and Dissertations. 342.
Data is provided by the student.