Electronic Theses and Dissertations



Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy


Counselor Education and Supervision

Committee Chair

Eraina Schauss

Committee Member

Steven West

Committee Member

Patrick Murphy

Committee Member

Todd Zoblotsky


This study examines qualities of self-esteem and its relationship to the process of self-reflection and sensitivity development. The intercultural sensitivity development model highlights the exploration of cognitive and affective processes as the catalyst for promoting willingness, adaptability, and ongoing curiosity to account for the limitations of present approach to multicultural training. Self-reflection is required to process thoughts and emotions, but self-esteem may serve as the barrier or facilitator of this effort. A moderately positive relationship was found among the total score for intercultural sensitivity and self-esteem. Relationships among the demographic variables of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, religious/spirituality, age ranges, educational level, and occupation were explored. Limitations of this study include the sample size of specific demographic variables. Further research will assist with understanding the relationship among these factors on self-esteem and cultural sensitivity. Keywords: cultural competence, cultural sensitivity, cultural humility, multicultural training, self-esteem, global self-esteem, collective self-esteem, and intercultural sensitivity developmental model


Data is provided by the student.

Library Comment

Dissertation or thesis originally submitted to ProQuest.


Open Access
