"Anisotropic elastic properties of cancellous bone from a human edentul" by Aisling M. O'Mahony, John L. Williams et al.

Anisotropic elastic properties of cancellous bone from a human edentulous mandible


The elastic moduli have not been reported for cancellous bone from the edentulous mandible. Accurate values are needed for finite element modeling of the mandible. The aim of this study was to determine elastic modulus values in three orthogonal directions for cancellous bone taken from an edentulous jaw and to relate these values to apparent density and volume fraction. Seven samples were obtained from the edentulous mandible of a 74-year-old female. Young's modulus was determined by compression testing of cubes cut with the faces aligned with the anatomic axes. Bone volume fraction averaged 0.33 (SD 0.14) and apparent density averaged 0.55 g/cc (SD 0.29). Young's modulus was greatest in the mesio-distal direction (mean 907 MPa, SD 849 MPa), followed by the bucco-lingual (mean 511 MPa, SD 565 MPa) and infero-superior direction (mean 114 MPa, SD 78 MPa). The infero-superior direction was less than the bucco-lingual (P=0.03) and mesio-distal (P=0.002). The mesio-distal and bucco-lingual directions could not be shown to be different (P=0.32). This suggests a model of transverse isotropy for cancellous bone in the jaw, where the symmetry axis is along the infero-superior (weakest) direction. Munksgaard 2000.

Publication Title

Clinical Oral Implants Research
