"Effect of cortical and cancellous bone anisotropy on peri-implant stre" by Aisling M. O'Mahony and John L. Williams

Effect of cortical and cancellous bone anisotropy on peri-implant stresses and strains in the posterior mandible


We computed the bone-implant interface stresses for a bullet-shaped dental implant in the human mandible under combined vertical and horizontal loading. We also calculated the principal strains in the bone surrounding the implant. Two cases were compared: One in which the bone was considered to have isotropic elastic constants and the other in which transverse isotropy was assumed. Anisotropy increased the peak stresses and strains around both the implant-cancellous and implant-cortical bone interfaces.

Publication Title

American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Bioengineering Division (Publication) BED

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