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"If you are a Peace Corps trainee reading this booklet, it means we think you have what it takes to make a successful Peace Corps Volunteer or we would not have invited you." -- [p.3]

This handbook has fourteen sections giving the prospective Peace Corps volunteer of the early 1960s an idea of what it will take to be accepted and what will be expected of them if they get selected. It gives a quick rundown on the selection and training process for a Peace Corps volunteer. It explains the process by which host countries request Peace Corps programs and how the organization chooses projects. There are sections that inform the prospective volunteer what will be expected of them as representatives of the Peace Corps and the United States. And there is a section informing the prospective volunteer as to their social, political, and economic responsibilities while abroad for the Peace Corps - i.e. income tax and selective service.


S 19.8:P 31


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