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"The purpose of this Manual is to provide information to help you maintain your health overseas but if this information is to be of value, you must make the personal decision to use it. Your Peace Corps Physician will assist you in every way possible but when so much is dependent upon your daily habits of personal living, your good health depends upon you. Your happiness and effectiveness overseas depends upon your staying healthy.

"In your overseas post many of the community services to protect your health which you have taken for granted all your life will be incomplete. How many times have you thought about the importance of pure water? Don't we turn the faucet on and expect it to be that way? How many times have we thought about community sewage programs or problems of water pollution? These and many other health concerns commonly solved on a community basis will be up to you to solve on a personal basis. You will be given the "know-how"—doing it will largely be up to you!" -- [p.1]


S 19.8:H 34


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