
Executive Orders from 1994


No. 58 An Order Establishing the Tennessee Children's Plan, Ned R. McWherter


No. 57 An Order Establishing a Quality Management Process in Tennessee State Government, Ned R. McWherter


No. 56 An Order Directing the Agencies of State Government to Take Appropriate Action to Comply With the Requirements of Title Vi of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Ned R. McWherter


No. 55 An Order Establishing the Tennessee State Commission on National and Community Service, Ned R. McWherter


No. 54 An Order Transferring the Administration of Certain Provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of 1991 From the State Planning Office to the Department of Environment and Conservation, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1993


No. 53 An Order Establishing the Governor's Minority Business Development Advisory Committee, Ned R. McWherter


No. 52 An Order Amending Executive Order #49, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1992


No. 51 Order Creating the 1996 Tennessee Bicentennial Commission, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1991


No. 50 An Order Transferring the Administration of Certain Provisions of the Solid Waste Management Act of 1991 From the State Planning Office to the Department of Environment and Conservation, Ned R. McWherter


No. 49 An Order Transferring the Division Of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services in the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and its Related Functions and the Administration of the Alcohol and Drug Treatment Act of 1973 and Other-Related Statutes From the Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation to the Department of Health., Ned R. McWherter


No. 48 An Order Indefinitely Suspending the Implementation of Executive Order 40, Ned R. McWherter


No. 47 An Order to Create a Tennessee Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center Within the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, Ned R. McWherter


No. 46 An Order Imposing a Moratorium on the Permitting of Additional Commercial Medical Waste Processing Facilities and Modifying Executive Order no. 32, Ned R. McWherter


No. 45 An Order Redesignation the Governor’s Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities as the Tennessee Committee on Employment of People With Disabilities and to Amend Prior Executive Orders Relative Thereto, Ned R. McWherter


No. 44 An Order Transferring the Rest Area System In the Department of Tourist Development and Their Related Functions to the Department of Transportation, Ned R. McWherter


No. 43 An Order Amending Executive Order no. 39 with Respect to State Employees Who Are Members of the Reserve or National Guard and Who Have Been Called to Full Time Military Duty by the President of the United States, Ned R. McWherter


No. 42 An Order Transferring the Bureau of Environment in the Department of Health and Environment and its Related Functions and the Administration of the Tennessee Environmental Statutes from the Department of Health and Environment to the Department of Conservation, Ned R. McWherter


No. 41 An Order Transferring the Division of Forestry in the Department of Conservation and its Related Functions and the Administration of the Tennessee Forestry Act from the Department of Conservation to the Department of Agriculture, Ned R. McWherter


No. 40 An Order Transferring the Division of Parks and Recreation and the Tennessee Historical Commission in the Department of Conservation and its Related Functions and the Administration of Related Statutes From the Department of Conservation to the Department of Tourist Development, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1990


No. 39 An Order Setting Forth the Policy of the State of Tennessee with Respect to State Employees Who are Members of of the Reserve or National Guard and Who Have Been Called to Fulltime Military Duty by the President of the United States, Ned R. McWherter


No. 38 An Order Relating to the Use and Disposition of Records and Forms in the Operation of Tennessee State Government, Ned R. McWherter


No. 37 An Order Transferring the Division of Motor Vehicles in the Department of Revenue and Its Related Functions and The Administration of the Tennessee Motor Vehicle Title and Registration Law From the Department of Revenue of the Department of Safety, Ned R. McWherter


No. 36 An Order Authorizing The Tennessee Housing Development Agency to Establish an Allocation Plan for the State's Low-Income Housing Tax Credit, and Approving Such Plan, as Required by the Omnibibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1989, Ned R. McWherter


No. 35 An Order Implementing the Retirement Incentive Plan Authorized by Public Chapter 961 of the Acts of 1990, Ned R. McWherter


No. 34 An Order Amending Executive Order no. 18 Relative to the Information Systems Council, Ned R. McWherter


No. 33 An Order Declaring a Moratorium on the Permitting of Additional Commercial Medical Waste Incinerators, Ned R. McWherter


No. 32 An Order Declaring a Moratorium on the Permitting of Additional Commercial Medical Waste Incinerators, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1989


No. 31 An Order Establishing a Recycling Program in the Executive Branch of State Government, Ned R. McWherter


No. 30 An Order Expanding the Membership of the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Health, Ned R. McWherter


No. 29 An Order Creating an Advisory Group to the Tennessee Commission On Children And Youth, Ned R. McWherter


No. 28 An Order Establishing the Clean Tennessee. Advisory Council and Endorsing the Keep America Beautiful System, Ned R. McWherter


No. 27 An Order Establishing an Inter-Agency Prescription Drug Enforcement Council for the Purpose of Sharing Information and Taking Action to Protect the Health, Safety and Welfare of the Citizens of the State of Tennessee, Ned R. McWherter


No. 26 An Order to Continue the Establishment of the Tennessee Job Training Coordinating Council, and to Reconstitute the Membership of Said Council, Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1988


No. 25 An Order Creating the Governor's Council on Physical Fitness -and Health, Ned R. McWherter


No. 24 An Order Transferring the Licensing Authority of Certain Before and After School Child Care Facilities from the Department of Human Services to the Department of Education, Ned R. McWherter


No. 23 An Order Changing the Name of the Governor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped to the Governor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, Ned R. McWherter


No. 22 An Order to Assign the Administration of Certain Appropriations Enacted Pursuant to Certain Items of Chapter 1037 of the Public Acts of 1988, Ned R. McWherter


No. 21 An Order Directing that the Utility Management Review Board be Administratively Attached to the Department of Health and Environment, Ned R. McWherter


No. 20 An Order Transferring the Tennessee Board of Boiler Rules and the Tennessee Elevator Safety Board In the Department of Commerce and Insurance and Their Respective Functions to the Department of Labor, Ned R. McWherter


No. 19 An Order to Create a Cabinet Council on Services to Children and Youth, Ned R. McWherter


No. 18 An Order Re-Establishing the Information Systems Council, Ned R. McWherter


No. 17 An Executive Order Creating an Economic Cabinet Council, Ned R. McWherter


No. 16 An Executive Order Continuing a Special Task Force to Analyze the Housing Needs of Tennessee and to propose Recommendations and Other Related Initiatives., Ned R. McWherter

Executive Orders from 1987


No. 15 An Order Authorizing the Tennessee Housing Development Agency to Establish an Allocation Plan for the State's New Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Authority Program Created Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Ned R. McWherter


No. 14 An Order Directing that the Utility Management Review Board be Administratively Attached to the Department of Economic and Community Development, Ned R. McWherter


No. 13 An Order Pertaining to Fair and Representative Employment Opportunity, Ned R. McWherter


No. 12 An Order Relative to Necessary and Appropriate State Coordination and Participation with the Federal Insurance Administration Under the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, as Amended and Rules and Regulations Promulgated Thereunder, Ned R. McWherter


No. 11 An Executive Order Creating a Special Task Force to Analyze the Housing Needs of Tennessee And to Propose Other Related Initiatives, Ned R. McWherter


No. 10 An Order to Assign the Administration of Certain Appropriations Enacted Pursuant to Certain Items of Chapter 457 of the Public Acts of 1987, Ned R. McWherter


No. 09 An Order Implementing the Retirement Incentive Plan Authorized by Public Chapter 243 of the Acts of 1987, Ned R. McWherter


No.08 An Order to Assign the Administration of the Appropriation Enacted Pursuant to Item 45 of Section 12, Chapter 937 of the Public Acts of 1986, Ned R. McWherter


No. 07 An Order Establishing the Tennessee Emergency Response Council to Coordinate Statewide Hazardous Materials Planning, Response, and Community Right-To-Know as Required by Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 {Pl-499), Ned R. McWherter


No. 06 An Order Authorizing the Tennessee Housing Development Agency to Establish an Allocation Plan for the State's New Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Authority Program Created Under the Tax Reform Act of 1986, Ned R. McWherter


No. 05 An Order to Continue the Establishment of the Tennessee Job Training Coordinating Council, and to Expand the Membership of Said Council, Ned R. McWherter


No. 04 Order Establishing the Tennessee Emergency Management Agency, Department of Military, as the Agency of State Government Having Responsibility and Authority for Planning Disaster and Emergency Preparedness and Directing Response, Ned R. McWherter


No. 03 An Order Requiring Financial Disclosure by Cabinet Members and Cabinet Level Staff, Ned R. McWherter


No. 02 An Order Creating the Martin Luther King, Jr. State Holiday Committee, Ned R. McWherter


No. 01 An Order to Direct a Cabinet Study of Issues Related to Indigent Health Care, Ned R. McWherter