



Document Type

Honors Thesis

Degree Name

Bachelor of Music




Music Education

Committee Member

Zack Corpus


Certain pedagogical practices present in ensemble settings overlook individual achievement. This adherence to methods that do not directly benefit individual performers may result in students who are following performance practices not well suited to their specific instruments. This negative impact on a student's sound and technique within a band classroom has the potential to put them at a further disadvantage to those who are able to afford external performance privileges such as private lessons and summer programs, and can impact the sound of the ensemble as a whole. This research analyzed common band pedagogical practices. In doing so, the relevance of Social Emotional Learning and a learner-centered approach were uncovered and applied to these pedagogical techniques. This approach to learning was applied to an analysis of relevant band literature in regards to how this music may provide the greatest impact on individual tone, intonation, air support, and general musicality, regardless of ensemble or individual skill level. High school and collegiate band directors were contacted regarding their personal pedagogical practices and beliefs within their own program. This research further demonstrated that a mindset shift towards a learner-centered approach to pedagogy is vital in the face of shifting classroom environments and a greater need for individual achievement.


Undergraduate Honor's Thesis

Library Comment

Honors thesis originally submitted to the Local University of Memphis Honor’s Thesis Repository.
