Submissions from 2010
Correlating pharmaceutical data with a national health survey as a proxy for estimating rural population health, Ronald E. Cossman, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Wesley L. James, Troy Blanchard, Richard Thomas, Louis G. Pol, and Arthur G. Cosby
Using maps to monitor at-risk geographic areas of heart disease: Tracking access to prescription medication and mortality rates, Wesley L. James and Ronald E. Cossman
Midterm musings and issue issues, Carol Rambo
Sound acts: Elocution, somatic work, and the performance of sonic alignment, Phillip Vannini, Dennis Waskul, Simon Gottschalk, and Carol Rambo
Submissions from 2009
Asset management and productivity in reform-era China, Doug Guthrie, Zhixing Xiao, and Junmin Wang
Oh, no, im not infertile”: Culture, support groups, and the infertile identity, Jeni Loftus
Research note: Imputing large group averages for missing data, using rural-urban continuum codes for density driven industry sectors, Jeremy R. Porter, Ronald E. Cossman, and Wesley L. James
Global-market building as state building: China's entry into the WTO and market reforms of China's tobacco industry, Junmin Wang
Submissions from 2008
Patient perceptions of multiple sclerosis-related care: Comparisons by practice specialty of principal care physician, Robert J. Buchanan, Michael Kaufman, Li Zhu, and Wesley James
Rural-urban analyses of health-related quality of life among people with multiple sclerosis, Robert J. Buchanan, Li Zhu, Randolph Schiffer, Dagmar Radin, and Wesley James
Preliminary evidence for an emerging nonmetropolitan mortality penalty in the United States, Arthur G. Cosby, Tonya T. Neaves, Ronald E. Cossman, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Wesley L. James, Neal Feierabend, David M. Mirvis, and Carol A. Jones
Multiple reflections on editing symbolic interaction, Carol Rambo
The future of symbolic interaction, peaking, and collapsing the matrix, Carol Rambo and Tiffanie Grier
Submissions from 2007
Urban/rural differences in health insurance coverage among people with multiple sclerosis, Robert J. Buchanan, Li Zhu, and Wesley James
Persistent clusters of mortality in the United States, Jeralynn Sittig Cossman, Ronald E. Cossman, Wesley L. James, Carol R. Campbell, Troy C. Blanchard, and Arthur G. Cosby
Evaluating heart disease presciptions-filled as a proxy for heart disease prevalence rates, Ronald E. Cossman, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Wesley L. James, Troy Blanchard, Richard K. Thomas, Louis G. Pol, Arthur G. Cosby, and David M. Mirvis
Handing IRB an unloaded gun, Carol Rambo
Sketching as autoethnographic practice, Carol Rambo
Can China save socialism?, Junmin Wang
Submissions from 2006
Satisfaction with mental health care among people with multiple sclerosis in urban and rural areas, Robert J. Buchanan, Randolph Schiffer, Suojin Wang, Alexa Stuifbergen, Bonnie Chakravorty, Li Zhu, Myung Suk Kim, and Wesley James
Business organizations in China, Doug Guthrie and Junmin Wang
Does regional variation affect ecological mortality research? An examination of mortality, income inequality and health infrastructure in the Mississippi Delta, Wesley L. James and Jeralynn Sittig Cossman
Cultural Theory and Emotions, Gretchen Peterson
State-building as market-building in China, Junmin Wang
Submissions from 2005
Impressions of grandmother: An autoethnographic portrait, Carol Rambo
Submissions from 2004
A brief visual primer for the mapping of mortality trend data, Wesley L. James, Ronald E. Cossman, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Carol Campbell, and Troy Blanchard
Submissions from 2003
Distress about Sex: A National Survey of Women in Heterosexual Relationships, John Bancroft, Jeni Loftus, and J. Scott Long
The dying process, Graves E. Enck
In the eye of the beholder: Procedural justice in social exchange, Linda D. Molm, Gretchen Peterson, and Nobuyuki Takahashi
The Prevalence of Sexual Problems in Women: How Valid Are Comparisons Across Studies?, Raymond C. Rosen, Edward O. Laumann, John Bancroft, Jeni Loftus, and J. Scott Long
Submissions from 2001
America's liberalization in attitudes toward homosexuality, 1973 to 1998, J. Loftus
The value of exchange, Linda D. Molm, Gretchen Peterson, and Nobuyuki Takahashi
Submissions from 2000
Risk and trust in social exchange: An experimental test of a classical proposition, Linda D. Molm, Nobuyuki Takahashi, and Gretchen Peterson
Submissions from 1999
Power in negotiated and reciprocal exchange, Linda D. Molm, Gretchen Peterson, and Nobuyuki Takahashi
Submissions from 1992
Retaking departments, James D. Preston and Graves E. Enck
Submissions from 1984
Coming out: Lesbians' disclosures to parents, Graves E. Enck, James D. Preston, and Carol Thornton
Submissions from 1983
Recruitment for fashion careers: A case study of organizational conning, Graves E. Enck and James D. Preston