Submissions from 2023
State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960–2019: A Research Note, Dustin C. Brown, Joseph T. Lariscy, and Benjamin H. Walker
State-Level Trends in Lifespan Variability in the United States, 1960–2019: A Research Note, Dustin C. Brown, Joseph T. Lariscy, and Benjamin H. Walker
Submissions from 2022
My Father Died this Summer: An Autoethnographic Reflection on Our Deadening Lives and Identities Held Captive, Joanna Boudreaux
My Father Died this Summer: An Autoethnographic Reflection on Our Deadening Lives and Identities Held Captive, Joanna Boudreaux
Conceptualizing rurality: The impact of definitions on the rural mortality penalty, Wesley L. James, Claire Brindley, Christopher Purser, and Michael Topping
Conceptualizing rurality: The impact of definitions on the rural mortality penalty, Wesley L. James, Claire Brindley, Christopher Purser, and Michael Topping
“I don't say that I'm a who's who”: Negotiating Identity through Humility Work, Sun Ah M. Laybourn
“In My Heart, I Am Cambodian”: Symbolic Ethnicity among Parents Who Adopt Transracially, Sun Ah M. Laybourn and Carla Goar
“In My Heart, I Am Cambodian”: Symbolic Ethnicity among Parents Who Adopt Transracially, Sun Ah M. Laybourn and Carla Goar
Critical Mass and Critical Representation Economic Transition, Workplace Cultures, and Women CEOs in China, Caroline Virginia Reilly and Junmin Wang
Critical Mass and Critical Representation Economic Transition, Workplace Cultures, and Women CEOs in China, Caroline Virginia Reilly and Junmin Wang
Racial Disparities in Air Pollution Burden and COVID-19 Deaths in Louisiana, USA, in the Context of Long-Term Changes in Fine Particulate Pollution, Kimberly A. Terrell and Wesley James
Racial Disparities in Air Pollution Burden and COVID-19 Deaths in Louisiana, USA, in the Context of Long-Term Changes in Fine Particulate Pollution, Kimberly A. Terrell and Wesley James
Submissions from 2021
Alternative Spirituality among Global Scientists, Di Di, Simranjit Khalsa, Robert A. Thomson, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Community and the Critique of Technology: A Revisionist Account of an Essential Concept, Clayton Fordahl
Political Performance, Profanation, and Mundane Interaction: a Revised Cultural Sociology of the 2016 American Presidential Election, Clayton Fordahl
When the Gods Fall: Varieties of Post-Secularization in a Small, Secularized State, Clayton Fordahl and Berglind Ragnarsdóttir
“Sow, Grow, Know, and Show”: The Impact of School Gardens on Student Self-Perception in the Mississippi Delta, Emily A. Holmes, Mary F. Campbell, Wesley James, and Karen Matthews
The Association Between Substance Use and Violence: Results from a Nationally Representative Sample of High School Students in the United States, Satish K. Kedia, Patrick J. Dillon, Yu Jiang, Wesley James, Andy C. Collins, and Soumitra S. Bhuyan
SCIENCE–RELIGION BOUNDARIES IN INDIAN SCIENTIFIC WORKPLACES, Simranjit Khalsa, Brenton Kalinowski, Brandon Vaidyanathan, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Evaluation of a Peer-Led Comprehensive Sexual Health Program for College Teens, Chris N. King, Rachel M. Arthur, Jonathan R. Bennett, Wesley L. James, and Karen C. Matthews
Adopting the model minority myth: Korean adoption as a racial project, Sunah M. Laybourn
Traces and shards of self-injury: Strange accounting with “Author X”, Brittany Presson, Brandi Barnes, Carol Rambo, and X. Author
Remixing/reliving/revisioning "my mother is mentally retarded", Carol Rambo
Surviving racism and genocide: Native american caricature iconography and racial formation projects, Anthony J. Stone and Carol Rambo
Managing R&D in Chinese listed firms: The interactive effects of ownership concentration and corporate governance, Junmin Wang
Submissions from 2020
Mass media exposure and maternal healthcare utilization in South Asia, Kaniz Fatema and Joseph T. Lariscy
Dealing with dysnomia: Strategies for the cultivation of used concepts in social research, Clayton Fordahl
Lions and foxes: revisiting Pareto’s bestiary for the age of late pluto-democracy, Clayton Fordahl
Characteristics of persistently unhealthy counties: A comparison of white and black mortality over time*, Wesley James, Julia Wolf, and Jeralynn Cossman
Indian scientists’ definitions of religion and spirituality, Simranjit Khalsa, Brenton D. Kalinowski, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Lung cancer mortality among never-smokers in the United States: estimating smoking-attributable mortality with nationally representative data, Joseph T. Lariscy, Robert A. Hummer, and Richard G. Rogers
Let’s Drink to Being Socially Active: Family Characteristics, Social Participation, and Alcohol Abuse across Mid- and Later-life, Eric M. Vogelsang and Joseph T. Lariscy
Submissions from 2019
Comparability of Mortality Estimates from Social Surveys and Vital Statistics Data in the United States, Dustin C. Brown, Joseph T. Lariscy, and Lucie Kalousová
Growth and persistence of place-based mortality in the United States: The rural mortality penalty, Arthur G. Cosby, M. Maya McDoom-Echebiri, Wesley James, Hasna Khandekar, Willie Brown, and Heather L. Hanna
For conscience and kingdom martyrs, monarchs and the spirit of modernity in Early Modern England, Clayton Fordahl
Gendered perceptions of fairness in housework and shared expenses: Implications for relationship satisfaction and sex frequency, Brian Joseph Gillespie, Gretchen Peterson, and Janet Lever
Smoking-attributable mortality by cause of death in the United States: An indirect approach, Joseph T. Lariscy
“God Smites You!”: Atheists’ Experiences of Stigma, Identity Politics, and Queerness*, Degan Loren and Carol Rambo
Developing an awareness of emotion management strategies to support athlete success, Gretchen Peterson
Autoethnography as a methodology in researching social problems, Carol Rambo, Brittany Presson, Victoria Gaines, and Brandi Barnes
Autoethnography as a methodology in researching social problems, Carol Rambo, Brittany Presson, Victoria Gaines, and Brandi Barnes
Submissions from 2018
The Dialectics of Stigma, Silence, and Misunderstanding in Suicidality Survival Narratives, Taylor M. Binnix, Carol Rambo, Seth Abrutyn, and Anna S. Mueller
Coming Unhinged: A Twice-Told Multivoiced Autoethnography, Carolyn Ellis, Arthur P. Bochner, Carol Rambo, Keith Berry, Hannah Shakespeare, Craig Gingrich-Philbrook, Tony E. Adams, and Robert E. Rinehart
Authenticity: The Sociological Dimensions of a Politically Consequential Concept, Clayton Fordahl
Sovereignty and Martyrdom: A Sociological Sketch, Clayton Fordahl
Suffering and sovereignty: Martyrdom in the late modern West, Clayton Fordahl
Persistence of death in the United States: The remarkably different mortality patterns between America's Heartland and Dixieland, Wesley James, Jeralynn Cossman, and Julia Kay Wolf
Improving the Health of Rural America's Chronically Ill: A Case Study of a Patient-Centered Medical Home Clinic in Mississippi, Wesley James, Karen Matthews, Peter Albrecht, and Anna Church
Cigarette Smoking and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Adult Mortality in the United States, Joseph T. Lariscy, Robert A. Hummer, and Richard G. Rogers
Naturally Ambivalent: Religion's Role in Shaping Environmental Action, Brandon Vaidyanathan, Simranjit Khalsa, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Economic Openness and Institutional Embeddedness: Global Capital and Firm Performance in China's Stock Market*, Junmin Wang, Yanlong Zhang, and Doug Guthrie
Submissions from 2017
The differential effects of rural health care access on race-specific mortality, Jeralynn Cossman, Wesley James, and Julia Kay Wolf
The post-secular: Paradigm shift or provocation?, Clayton Fordahl
Long-Term Trends in Black and White Mortality in the Rural United States: Evidence of a Race-Specific Rural Mortality Penalty, Wesley James and Jeralynn S. Cossman
A faith for all? Boundaries of religion and ethnicity among Sikhs, Simranjit Khalsa
Black–White Disparities in Adult Mortality: Implications of Differential Record Linkage for Understanding the Mortality Crossover, Joseph T. Lariscy
Submissions from 2016
Hispanic-White Differences in Lifespan Variability in the United States, Joseph T. Lariscy, Claudia Nau, Glenn Firebaugh, and Robert A. Hummer
Political conservatism, religion, and environmental consumption in the United States, Jared L. Peifer, Simranjit Khalsa, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Claiming, Resisting, and Exempting Pathology in the Identities of Self-Injurers, Brittany Presson and Carol Rambo
Strange Accounts: Applying for the Department Chair Position and Writing Threats and Secrets “in Play”, Carol Rambo
Twitch: A performance of chronic liminality, Carol Rambo
Gossip as Social Control: Informal Sanctions on Ethical Violations in Scientific Workplaces, Brandon Vaidyanathan, Simranjit Khalsa, and Elaine Howard Ecklund
Submissions from 2015
Stability, asset management, and gradual change in China’s reform economy, Doug Guthrie, Zhixing Xiao, and Junmin Wang
Hispanic Older Adult Mortality in the United States: New Estimates and an Assessment of Factors Shaping the Hispanic Paradox, Joseph T. Lariscy, Robert A. Hummer, and Mark D. Hayward
Can social ties be harmful? Examining the spread of suicide in early adulthood, Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, and Cynthia Stockton
Can social ties be harmful? Examining the spread of suicide in early adulthood, Anna S. Mueller, Seth Abrutyn, and Cynthia Stockton
Suicide ideation and bullying among US adolescents: Examining the intersections of sexual orientation, gender, and race/ethnicity, Anna S. Mueller, Wesley James, Seth Abrutyn, and Martin L. Levin
Connecting social psychology and the sociology of sport: Using Goffman as a framework for sociological sports research, Gretchen Peterson
Submissions from 2014
Gender, acculturation, and smoking behavior among U.S. Asian and Latino immigrants, Bridget K. Gorman, Joseph T. Lariscy, and Charisma Kaushik
"What Are You?": Racial Ambiguity, Stigma, and the Racial Formation Project, Tiffanie Grier, Carol Rambo, and Marshall A. Taylor
Integrating spatial and time sensitive data to monitor social patterns: A dynamic methodology for studying social issues, Wesley James, Ronald E. Cossman, and Neal Feierabend
All rural places are not created equal: Revisiting the rural mortality penalty in the United States, Wesley L. James
Relationship of racial composition and cancer risks from air toxics exposure in memphis, Tennessee, USA, Chunrong Jia, Wesley James, and Satish Kedia
Sports and Emotions, Gretchen Peterson
Submissions from 2013
Public support for Hispanic deportation in the United States: The effects of ethnic prejudice and perceptions of economic competition in a period of economic distress, Arthur Cosby, Kristen Aanstoos, Marissa Matta, Jeremy Porter, and Wesley James
Race/ethnicity, nativity, and tobacco Use among U.S. Young adults: Results From a nationally representative survey, Joseph T. Lariscy, Robert A. Hummer, Jessica M. Rath, Andrea C. Villanti, Mark D. Hayward, and Donna M. Vallone
Predictors of Entry into Age-Discordant Relationships Among Adolescent Girls, Jeni Loftus, Brian C. Kelly, and Sarah A. Mustillo
Racial/Ethnic and Nativity Patterns of U.S. Adolescent and Young Adult Smoking, Becky Wade, Joseph T. Lariscy, and Robert A. Hummer
Submissions from 2012
Uneven magnitude of disparities in cancer risks from air toxics, Wesley James, Chunrong Jia, and Satish Kedia
Inequality, Health Infrastructure, and Spatial Context: Understanding Pathways to Variations in the Causal Determinants of Race-Specific Mortality Rates, Wesley L. James and Jeremy R. Porter
"That's what makes a woman": Infertility and coping with a failed life course transition, Jeni Loftus and Angie L. Andriot
Short-term sexual health effects of relationships with significantly older females on adolescent boys, Jeni Loftus and Brian C. Kelly
The effects of relationships with older females on the substance abuse and mental health of adolescent Boys, Jeni Loftus and Brian C. Kelly
The generalized exchange of punishments in adult recreational softball: The case of "going middle", Gretchen Peterson
Claiming the bodies of exotic dancers: The problematic discourse of commodification, Carol Rambo, Sara Renée Presley, and Don Mynatt
Erotic dancing, Carol Rambo and John Pruit
Hormone therapy and Alzheimer disease dementia: New findings from the Cache County Study, Huibo Shao, John C.S. Breitner, Rachel A. Whitmer, Junmin Wang, Kathleen Hayden, Heidi Wengreen, Chris Corcoran, and Jo Ann Tschanz
The Rise of SASAC: Asset Management, Ownership Concentration, and Firm Performance in China's Capital Markets, Junmin Wang, Doug Guthrie, and Zhixing Xiao
Submissions from 2011
Differential record linkage by Hispanic ethnicity and age in linked mortality studies: Implications for the epidemiologic paradox, Joseph T. Lariscy
Depressive symptoms among adolescent girls in relationships with older partners: Causes and lasting effects?, Jeni Loftus, Brian C. Kelly, and Sarah A. Mustillo
Expectant mothers: Women's infertility and the potential identity of biological motherhood, Jeni Loftus and Paul Namaste
Final reflections on editing symbolic interaction: Farewell and smooth sailing, Carol Rambo
Submissions from 2010
Underlying causes of the emerging nonmetropolitan mortality penalty, Jeralynn S. Cossman, Wesley L. James, Arthur G. Cosby, and Ronald E. Cossman