Source Collection
L.L. Gobbel Library, Lambuth Campus, University of Memphis
Photograph of the senior class of the Memphis Conference Female Institute, Jackson, Tennessee, in 1911. Students are: (top l-r) Grace Everett, Mary McDonald, Annette McClaran, Ethel L. Kirby, Dorchie Morgan; (2nd row from top) Mary Eliza Balch, Louise Burton; (3rd row from top) Ina Dale Morgan, Louise Barham Mitchell; (4th row from top) Attie May Cason, President A.B. Jones, Annie Fowler; (5th row from top) Wyona Curtis, Mary Warren; (6th row from top) Ruth Stovall, Mary Tom Clark; (bottom row) Martha Fletcher, Elizabeth Chrenshaw, Annie Chrenshaw, Laura Hardy, Myrtle Waters, Grace Kennedy.
Recommended Citation
"Memphis Conference Female Institute senior class, 1911" (2021). Memphis Conference Female Institute Class Portraits. 3.
Memphis Conference Female Institute.