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Vol. 16, No. 9 of "Columbian Household Guest", the Journal of the Columbian Mutual Life Assurance Society based in Memphis, Tennessee, for October 1922. The cover of this issue features an illustration of the 22-story Columbian Mutual Tower that opened in Memphis in 1924. The Columbian Mutual Life Assurance Society was founded in 1903 as the Columbian Woodmen. Membership was open to men and women. In 1923 there were 24,039 members in 831 lodges spread out across South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Texas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Illinois and Pennsylvania. Under National President Lloyd T. Binford, a number of changes were made, including the change of name to the Columbian Mutual Life Assurance Society, the dropping of fraternal titles and a move of the headquarters from Atlanta to Memphis.
1922 October
Insurance companies--Tennessee--Memphis.
Recommended Citation
"Columbian Household Guest, Memphis, 16:9, 1922" (2021). Other documents. 60.