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In this issue, "A Decade of Development"

"Ten years ago we sought, and obtained permission, to change our name from college to university. After a decade of development, we are, I am proud to say, a university in every respect." The speaker was Dr. C. C. Humphreys, MSU President. The occasion was the tenth anniversary of the achievement of university status for Memphis State. More than a hundred alumni, faculty members, legislators, former legislators, members of Greater Memphis State and friends of the University met for the luncheon in the University cafeteria June 30 as Dr. Humphreys outlined the decade of progress and announced a number of new programs for future growth.

Also featured, "New Campus Newspaper"

The Memphis Statesman went to press on May 15 with one eye on the future and the other on the past. The issue, No. 10, was the final one of the first volume, and the last three of its 12 tabloid pages were given to a report on the probable effects of cybernetics in higher education by the year 1977. The Statesman itself, a laboratory newspaper of the Department of Journalism at Memphis State University, has tried to develop a futuristic character. The idea is to relate the events of the world and their significance to the students and the problems that they face as students. This approach is a departure from campus journalism as practiced by student newspapers.


Columns.4_2b.1967 Summer


1967 Summer


Memphis State University; University of Memphis; University of Memphis (Memphis, Tenn.). Alumni Association.

The Columns, 1967 Summer
