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Cover Story, "Remember 'Lum and Abner', 'The Shadow', 'Amos 'n' Andy?'" by Joe Elmore
Remember those old-time radio greats Groucho Marx (top left), Amos 'n' Andy (bottom left) and Lum and Abner? Most Memphis State students do not recall hearing those nostalgic voices, but in Dr. Marvin Bensman's broadcasting classes they have a chance to catch up on many of the radio dramas and comedies of yesteryear through a growing collection of audio tapes.
Also featured, "Athletic Recruitment: A Sales Situation" by Susan Crawford
The final score in any athletic event reflects the initial offensive effort - good recruitment. The football "sales situation" at Memphis State is based on a philosophy of friendship, confidence and trust, according to recruiter Fred Mangum, a 1961 Tiger alumnus.
Columns.7_4.1974 March
1974 March
Memphis State University; University of Memphis; University of Memphis (Memphis, Tenn.). Alumni Association.
Recommended Citation
"The Columns, 1974 March" (2022). The Columns. 47.