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Cover Story, "To Keep Pace with America"

What on earth is going on, there? Across the land, alumni and alumnae are asking that question about their alma maters. Most of America's colleges and universities are changing rapidly, and some of them drastically. Alumni and alumnae, taught for years to be loyal to good OLD Siwash and to be sentimental about its history and traditions, are puzzled or outraged. This special report dealing with changes on the college campuses in our country has been prepared by The Editorial Projects for Education, a non-profit organization associated with the American Alumni Council.

Also featured, "The Complete Engineer"

A bridge symbolizing engineering as a link between science and society, and between the acquisition of new knowledge and its transformation into useful products is the official insignia of the National Academy of Engineering. Perhaps no other description better states the concept of the new School of Engineering at Memphis State.


Columns.2_4.1966 Summer


1966 Summer


Memphis State University; University of Memphis; University of Memphis (Memphis, Tenn.). Alumni Association.

The Columns, 1966 Summer
