Submissions from 2004
Fitting academic programs to workplace marketability: Career paths of five technical communicators, Loel Kim and Christie Tolley
Submissions from 2003
Presenting information on the small-screen interface: Effects of table formatting, Loel Kim and Michael J. Albers
Submissions from 2002
Information design for the small-screen interface: An overview of Web design issues for personal digital assistants, Michael Albers and Loel Kim
Thank Goodness the Goose is Here: Creativity and women's writing in Eudora Welty's The Shoe Bird, Lorinda B. Cohoon
Anecdotal accuracy in "plain english" [10] (multiple letters), John Cook and Emily Thrush
Web design issues when searching for information using handheld interfaces, Loel Kim and Michael J. Albers
Ellison's invisible man, Verner D. Mitchell
Submissions from 2001
Plain english? A study of plain english vocabulary and international audiences, Emily A. Thrush
Submissions from 2000
User Web browsing characteristics using palm handhelds for information retrieval, M. J. Albers and L. Kim
A Comment on Laurie Grobman's “Beyond Internationalization: Multicultural Education in the Professional Writing Contact Zone”, Emily A. Thrush
Virtual Reality, Combat, and Communication, Emily Austin Thrush and Michael Bodary
Submissions from 1999
Puttin' on the Web: Process, product, and pedagogy, Emily A. Thrush and Teresa S. Dalle
Hither, thither, and yon: Process in putting courses on the web, Emily A. Thrush and Necie Elizabeth Young
Submissions from 1997
Cafe, the ou lait?: How shall we train technical communicators to translate?, Bruce A.R. Maylath and Emily A. Thrush
Emerson’s self-reliance, Verner D. Mitchell
Submissions from 1994
Distributed collaborative writing: a comparison of spoken and written modalities for reviewing and revising documents, Christine M. Neuwirth, Ravinder Chandhok, and Davida Charney
Narratives of aging and social problems in medical encounters with older persons., H. Waitzkin, T. Britt, and C. Williams
Submissions from 1993
Bridging the Gaps: Technical Communication in an International and Multicultural Society, Emily A. Thrush
Processing narratives of self-destructive behavior in routine medical encounters: Health promotion, disease prevention, and the discourse of health care, Howard Waitzkin and Theron Britt
Submissions from 1989
A critical theory of medical discourse: How patients and health professionals deal with social problems, H. Waitzkin and T. Britt
Changing the structure of medical discourse: implications of cross-national comparisons, H. Waitzkin and T. Britt