Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
The Role of Cooperation in the Division of the Stone-Campbell Movement, Robert Edward Pomerenk
An Approach Integrating Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory, Bradley Rankin Poole
Pines: A Novel in Stories, Lindsay Purves
Ontological Problem-Solving Framework for Dynamically Discovering, Matching, and Tasking Sensor Systems and Algorithms, Joseph Bezeke Qualls
A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Framework for Dividing and Predicting Facial Action Units, A K M Mahbubur Rahman
Application of Post-Column Reaction to Speciate Disinfectants and Disinfection By-Products, Patricia L. Ranaivo
Acute Responses to Concurrent Endurance and Resistance Exercise, Jacob Porter Reed
Do Reflective Responses by the Therapist Improve the Outcome of Psychotherapy, Catherine Marie Reich
Real-Time Object Classification Using a Custom Sparse Array Profile Sensor on an Embedded Microcontroller, Robert Kenneth Reynolds Jr.
The Use of Verbal and Nonverbal Cues in Computer-Mediated Communication: When and Why?, Monica Ann Schepers Riordan
The Effectiveness of Treatments for Trauma: A Quantitative Review, Joseph M. Roberts
Dual Enrollment: Breaking the Mold for College Readiness and Persistence in an Urban Charter School, Robert Lemoyne Robinson
Priming, Adaptation, & Interpretation: Language Processing in a Social Context., Jennifer Roche
Do Personality Traits of Accountants Affect Their Performance and Ethical Judgment?, Shahriar Mohammad Saadullah
Standing in the Shadows: African American Informants and Allies of the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission, Cynthia Jones Sadler
A Dynamic Approach to Pose Invariant Face Identification Using Cellular Simultaneous Recurrent Networks, Teddy Salan
Comics as Criticism: Graphic Novel Adaptations as Interpretive Discourse, Esther Bendit Saltzman
Nexus Portfolio for Snare Drum: Performance Practice and Historical Perspective, William Bruce Salyers
EMS Responders' Perceived Safety Climate and Behaviors Concerning Blood-borne Pathogens Exposure Control, Shahin Alan Samiei
Cistronic Stop Signal Ratio of Mitochondrial Genes Suggests Multiple Waves of Human Migrations In and Out of Africa, Naby Yaya Sankhon
Mothers and Mothers, Courtney Miller Santo
The Influence of Executive Functioning on the Intention-Behavior Link for Sexual Health Behavior among Young Men, Robert John Sawyer II
Design of a Metatarsophalangeal Joint Implant Wear Tester, Kelly Wilton Schlachter
The Relationship Between Acceptable Noise Levels and Hearing Aid Success Measured Using a Multi-Dimensional Approach, Kathryn Shaughnessy Schwartz
A Tale of Two Plantations: The Comparative Development of the Ensley and Davies Plantations in Shelby County, Tennessee and the Museums that Interpret Them, Emily Rosalind Schwimmer
Self-Ordered Search: A Novel fMRI Task to Study Working Memory in Children with Catastrophic Disease, Matthew Alan Scoggins
Critical Thinking Skills in Allied Health Students, Marcia Yvette Sharp
Comparisons of Visual Versus Kinesthetic Mental Imagery in Soccer Players: An EEG Study, James Collier Shepard
Evaluation of Carbon Filament Electrodes for Determination of 2,6-Diisopropylphenol (propofol) in Aqueous and Organic Solutions, James Bereman Sheppard
Pilot Study to Identify the Feasibility of Measuring Hydration Status Utilizing Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis in Children with Sickle Cell Anemia, Teresa Anne Shurley
Combined Effect of Transmembrane Proteins and Cortical Cytoskeleton on the Lateral Organization of Plasma Membranes, Md Kabir Uddin Sikder
Helen Turner: Representations of Women, Samantha Nicole Smith
Biaxial Studies of Skin's Mechanical Properties, Ramya Srinivasan
On The Evaluation of Model Based Approaches for Applications in Affective Computing, Md Iftekhar Tanveer
Medical Marijuana and Mass Media Effects: Agenda-Setting and Framing in the Debate over Legalization, Jodi Temyer
Bias in Hard News Articles from Fox News and MSNBC: An Empirical Assessment Using the Gramulator, Brock Ashton Terwilleger
Barriers to Persistence in Adult Basic Education: The Experiences of African American Learners, Simone Thomas
The Perceptions of Peer Tutoring Among Middle School Teachers Within Multi-Ability Classrooms., Danny E. Thompson Jr.
Knowing Michelle, Emily A. Thrash
Aggression and the Failure of Friendship to Buffer Against Loneliness, Rachel N. Tillery
EGFR Regulation of Epidermal Barrier Function, Nhu Quynh T. Tran
Miscue Analysis: Toward a Parsimonious Approach to Assessment of Oral Reading Errors in the Classroom, Tera Bradley Traylor
Protecting Human Rights: An Examination of Judicial Independence and Treaty Compliance, Maegan Kay Traynom
Effects of a 21-Day Daniel Fast with and without Krill Oil Supplementation on Blood Lipids and Lipid Peroxidation, John Francis Trepanowski
Colombian Nationalism: Four Musical Perspectives for Violin and Piano, Ana Maria Trujillo
The Starry Night: Jake Heggie, Vincent van Gogh, and the Consolation of the Stars, Shannon Melody Unger
The Influence of Parenting Strategies on Childhood Obesity in Latinos, Mohsinah Usmani
Sperm Allocation and Sociosexual Behavior in Meadow Voles, Ashlee Anne Vaughn
An Assessment of Differential Susceptibility of Raccoons (Procyon lotor) to Capture in Live Traps in Western Tennessee, Erica Hessen Vecchio