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This document is about the various ways that volunteers with a liberal arts major can aid in Peace Corps missions that were active during the 1960s. They are described in the document as generalists, who were "young people from the comfortable campuses of America who possess great curiosity and flexibility and who have pursued a course of study that prepares them intellectually for almost anything, but prepares them technically for almost nothing". - [p.2] The document includes an article detailing four programs, an article about Peace Corps works in cities, articles about Peace Corps work in Colombia, and more.

The programs featured in this document include a partnership with the World Health Organization to eradicate malaria in Thailand, a program to increase education in Jamaica known as Operation Headstart, a multi-faceted child care program in Tunisia where volunteers ran feeding centers for malnourished children and a kindergarten to begin their education early, and programs in Togo wherein volunteers and the local Togolese work to improve local agricultural conditions, healthcare, and social welfare.


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