
Phillips Ruopp

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This is a paper written by Phillips Ruopp, who from "1963 to 1967 he served as the first dean of the College of the Virgin Islands, where he worked with the Virgin Islands Peace Corps Training Center in developing methods of cross-cultural community involvement training" and afterwards was the Director of the Peace Corps' Division of Institutional Relations. -- [p.2]

In this paper Ruopp discusses education through experiences and so in the frame of global community and service. He puts forth the argument "that there are uses of the 'world' for purposes which are educational, but in neither an amorphous nor a purely technical sense. The uses I have in mind are a necessary part of a community of learning's traffic with reality" [p.3]. In several sections, he discusses various modes of understanding education and his opinion of theoretical versus experiential education. One of these sections discusses the ideas of Dr. Arthur E. Morgan. He also touches upon theories of community service as a method of education and where the Peace Corps fits into education. Ruopp ends with a conclusion on the importance of education through development service, community interaction, and social relations.


S 19.18:2


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