Submissions from 2019
Economic reasoning and interaction in socially extended market institutions, Shaun Gallagher, Antonio Mastrogiorgio, and Enrico Petracca
Advancing the ‘We’ Through Narrative, Shaun Gallagher and Deborah Tollefsen
Editor’s Introduction, Michael J. Monahan
Space perception, movement, and insight: attuning to the space of everyday life after major weight loss, Eli Natvik, Karen Synne Groven, Målfrid Råheim, Eva Gjengedal, and Shaun Gallagher
A History of the Center for Advanced Research in Phenomenology, Inc., Thomas Nenon
Important Twentieth Century American Husserl Scholars, Thomas Nenon and Michela Beatrice Ferri
How Do Different Types of Alignment Affect Perceived Entity Status?, Tailer G. Ransom, Rick Dale, Roger J. Kreuz, and Deborah Tollefsen
The practical life, the contemplative life, and the perfect eudaimonia in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 10.7-8, Timothy D. Roche
Putting Plural Self-Awareness into Practice: The Phenomenology of Expert Musicianship, Alessandro Salice, Simon Høffding, and Shaun Gallagher
Group cognition, Deborah Tollefsen and Kevin Ryan
Submissions from 2018
The free energy principle and autopoiesis: Comment on “Answering Schrödinger's question: A free-energy formulation” by Maxwell James Désormeau Ramstead, Paul Benjamin Badcock, Karl John Friston, M. Bitbol and S. Gallagher
Habits and the diachronic structure of the self, Michael G. Butler and Shaun Gallagher
Editor's Note, Remy Debes
Consciousness and action, Shaun Gallagher
Decentering the brain: Embodied cognition and the critique of neurocentrism and narrow-minded philosophy of mind, Shaun Gallagher
Dynamics and dialectic, Shaun Gallagher
Educating the right stuff: Lessons in enactivist learning, Shaun Gallagher
Embodied rationality, Shaun Gallagher
Enactivism, autonomy, self and other, Shaun Gallagher
New mechanisms and the enactivist concept of constitution, Shaun Gallagher
Seeing in context: Comment on “Seeing mental states: An experimental strategy for measuring the observability of other minds” by Cristina Becchio et al., Shaun Gallagher
Self-Interpretation and Social Cognition, Shaun Gallagher
Situating Interaction in Peripersonal and Extrapersonal Space: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives, Shaun Gallagher
The Extended Mind: State of the Question, Shaun Gallagher
The therapeutic reconstruction of affordances, Shaun Gallagher
Active inference, enactivism and the hermeneutics of social cognition, Shaun Gallagher and Micah Allen
Dynamical relations in the self-pattern, Shaun Gallagher and Anya Daly
Relational authenticity, Shaun Gallagher, Ben Morgan, and Naomi Rokotnitz
Loving the other beyond death, Kas Saghafi
Group moral knowledge, Deborah Tollefsen and Christopher Lucibella
Erratum: An unsettled debate: Key empirical and theoretical questions are still open (Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2018) 40 (e381) DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X16001977), Stefano Vincini, Yuna Jhang, Eugene H. Buder, and Shaun Gallagher
Submissions from 2017
Philosophical and Scientific Intensity in the Thought of Gilles Deleuze
Dignity: A history, Remy Debes
Empathy and mirror neurons, Remy Debes
Human dignity before Kant: Denis Diderot’s passionate person, Remy Debes
Understanding Others in an Alienating World: Comments on Lori Gruen's Entangled Empathy, Remy Debes
Understanding persons and the problem of power, Remy Debes
The Multidimensionality and Context Dependency of Selves, Leon de Bruin, Roy Dings, and Shaun Gallagher
Author’s response internatural relations, Shaun Gallagher
Empathy and theories of direct perception, Shaun Gallagher
Phenomenological approaches to consciousness, Shaun Gallagher
Planting some new thoughts on the landscape, Shaun Gallagher
Self-defense: Deflecting deflationary and eliminativist critiques of the sense of ownership, Shaun Gallagher
The narrative sense of others, Shaun Gallagher
Theory, practice and performance, Shaun Gallagher
The past, present and future of time-consciousness: From husserl to varela and beyond, Shaun Gallagher
The significance and meaning of others, Shaun Gallagher
The Struggle for Recognition and the Return of Primary Intersubjectivity, Shaun Gallagher
Re-authoring narrative therapy: Improving our selfmanagement tools, Daniel D. Hutto and Shaun Gallagher
The genealogy of abstractive practices, Mary Beth Mader
Heidegger's pragmatist readers, Thomas Nenon
The world after the end of the world, Kas Saghafi
Work the Root: Black Feminism, Hoodoo Love Rituals, and Practices of Freedom, Lindsey Stewart
French on innocence lost, Deborah Tollefsen
We-Narratives and the Stability and Depth of Shared Agency, Deborah Tollefsen and Shaun Gallagher
Epistemic reactive attitudes, Deborah Perron Tollefsen
From false beliefs to true interactions: Are chimpanzees socially enactive?, Sarah Vincent and Shaun Gallagher
An unsettled debate: Key empirical and theoretical questions are still open, Stefano Vincini, Yuna Jhang, Eugene H. Buder, and Shaun Gallagher
Neonatal imitation: Theory, experimental design, and significance for the field of social cognition, Stefano Vincini, Yuna Jhang, Eugene H. Buder, and Shaun Gallagher
Submissions from 2016
Conversations in postmodern hermeneutics
The Master Trembles: Sacrifice, Hierarchy, and Ontology in Derrida's 'Remain(s)'
LEARNING to LISTEN: EPISTEMIC INJUSTICE and the CHILD, Michael D. Burroughs and Deborah Tollefsen
Narrative and clinical neuroscience: Can phenomenologically informed approaches and empirical work cross-fertilise?, Jonathan Cole and Shaun Gallagher
Pluralism, interaction, and the ontogeny of social cognition, Anika Fiebich, Shaun Gallagher, and Daniel D. Hutto
Editorial note, Shaun Gallagher
Identity or dynamic structure?, Shaun Gallagher
Intercorporeity: Enaction, simulation, and the science of social cognition, Shaun Gallagher
Merleau-Ponty and the problem of consciousness, Shaun Gallagher
Preface, Shaun Gallagher
The practice of thinking: Between dreyfus and McDowell, Shaun Gallagher
Timing is not everything: The intrinsic temporality of action, Shaun Gallagher
What is enlightenment (and what’s in it for me)?, Shaun Gallagher
Agency and anxiety: Delusions of control and loss of control in schizophrenia and agoraphobia, Shaun Gallagher and Dylan Trigg
Confrontations with Modernity, Thomas Nenon
Perception, as you make it, David W. Vinson, Drew H. Abney, Dima Amso, Anthony Chemero, James E. Cutting, Rick Dale, Jonathan B. Freeman, and Laurie B. Feldman
Submissions from 2015
Co-Authorship, Multiple Authorship, and Posthumous Authorship: A Reply to Hick, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen
You complete me: Posthumous works and secondary agency, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen
On Bertram Morris’s “the dignity of man”, Remy Debes
Doing the math: Calculating the role of evolution and enculturation in the origins of geometrical and mathematical reasoning, Shaun Gallagher
Relations Between Agency and Ownership in the Case of Schizophrenic Thought Insertion and Delusions of Control, Shaun Gallagher
Reuse and body-formatted representations in simulation theory, Shaun Gallagher
The minds of others, Shaun Gallagher
The new hybrids: Continuing debates on social perception, Shaun Gallagher
The problem with 3-year-olds, Shaun Gallagher
Why We Are Not All Novelists, Shaun Gallagher
The embodied phenomenology of phenomenology, Shaun Gallagher and Benjamin Aguda
Somatic Apathy Body Disownership in the Context of Torture, Shaun Gallagher and Yochai Ataria
Enactive metaphors: Learning through full-body engagement, Shaun Gallagher and Robb Lindgren
The role of embodiment and intersubjectivity in clinical reasoning, Shaun Gallagher and Helen Payne
Conceptual issues in autism spectrum disorders, Shaun Gallagher and Somogy Varga
Social cognition and psychopathology: A critical overview, Shaun Gallagher and Somogy Varga
Rightings: Ethics and human sex variation, Mary Beth Mader
Husserl's god in the fichte lectures from 1917-1918, Thomas Nenon
Husserl and Heidegger on the Social Dimensions of the Life-World, Tom Nenon
Embodied-enactive clinical reasoning in physical therapy, Gunn Kristin Oberg, Britt Normann, and Shaun Gallagher
Phenomenology and the interpretation of psychopathological experience, Josef Parnas and Shaun Gallagher
Long-term sensorimotor and therapeutical effects of a mild regime of prism adaptation in spatial neglect. A double-blind RCT essay, G. Rode, S. Lacour, S. Jacquin-Courtois, L. Pisella, C. Michel, P. Revol, N. Alahyane, and J. Luauté
Testing cognition and rehabilitation in unilateral neglect with wedge prism adaptation: Multiple interplays between sensorimotor adaptation and spatial cognition, Yves Rossetti, Sophie Jacquin-Courtois, Marco Calabria, Carine Michel, Shaun Gallagher, Jacques Honoré, Jacques Luauté, and Alessandro Farné