Submissions from 2015
Critical Neuroscience and Socially Extended Minds, Jan Slaby and Shaun Gallagher
Submissions from 2014
Word as object: A view of language at hand, John Z. Elias and Shaun Gallagher
An Education in Narratives, Shaun Gallagher
EDITORIAL NOTE On the Colombo, Hutto, Myin exchange, Shaun Gallagher
In the shadow of the transcendental: Social cognition in Merleau-Ponty and cognitive science, Shaun Gallagher
In your face: Transcendence in embodied interaction, Shaun Gallagher
Phenomenology and embodied cognition, Shaun Gallagher
Pragmatic interventions into enactive and extended conceptions of cognition, Shaun Gallagher
Self and narrative, Shaun Gallagher
The cruel and unusual phenomenology of solitary confinement, Shaun Gallagher
Making enactivism even more embodied, Shaun Gallagher and Matthew Bower
Using a simulated environment to investigate experiences reported during space travel, Shaun Gallagher, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Brandon Sollins, and Bruce Janz
Social Constraints on the Direct Perception of Emotions and Intentions, Shaun Gallagher and Somogy Varga
Primal impression and enactive perception, Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi
Counting-Ish Creatures and Conceptual Content., David Miguel Gray
Failing to Self-Ascribe Thought and Motion: Towards a Three-Factor Account of Passivity Symptoms in Schizophrenia., David Miguel Gray
The concept of privilege: A critical appraisal1, Michael J. Monahan
Edmund Husserl, Thomas Nenon
Immanuel kant’s turn to transcendental philosophy, Thomas Nenon
Introduction, Thomas Nenon
Kant, kantianism, and idealism: The origins of continental philosophy, Thomas Nenon
Revolutionary Derrida, Kas Saghafi
Submissions from 2013
Collaborative art and collective intention, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen
Methodological lessons in neurophenomenology: Review of a baseline study and recommendations for research approaches, Patricia Bockelman, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, and Shaun Gallagher
One step forward, two steps back - not the Tango: Comment on Gallotti and Frith, Ezequiel A. Di Paolo, Hanne De Jaegher, and Shaun Gallagher
Joint attention in joint action, Anika Fiebich and Shaun Gallagher
A pattern theory of self, Shaun Gallagher
First-person perspective and immunity to error through misidentification, Shaun Gallagher
Husserl and the Phenomenology of Temporality, Shaun Gallagher
Natural pedagogy and social interaction, Shaun Gallagher
Phronesis and psychopathy: The moral frame problem, Shaun Gallagher
The socially extended mind, Shaun Gallagher
You and I, robot, Shaun Gallagher
The brain as part of an enactive system, Shaun Gallagher, Daniel D. Hutto, Jan Slaby, and Jonathan Cole
The phenomenological mind, second edition, Shaun Gallagher and Dan Zahavi
How Specific Can You Get?: Troubles for Cognitive Phenomenology., David Miguel Gray
Racial Norms: A Reinterpretation of Du Bois’ ‘The Conservation of Races., David Miguel Gray
The Devil's in the details: Mental institutions and proper engagement, Michele Merritt, Somogy Varga, Deborah Tollefsen, Rick Dale, and Lucas Olsen
Intersubjectivity, Interculturality, and Realities in Husserl’s Research Manuscripts on the Life-World (Hua XXXIX), Thomas Nenon
Martin Heidegger and Grounding of Ethics, Thomas J. Nenon
Neurophenomenology: An integrated approach to exploring awe and wonder, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, Brandon Sollins, Shaun Gallagher, and Bruce Janz
Collective epistemic agency and the need for collective epistemology, Deborah Tollefsen
Groups as rational sources, Deborah Tollefsen
Alignment, Transactive Memory, and Collective Cognitive Systems, Deborah P. Tollefsen, Rick Dale, and Alexandra Paxton
Submissions from 2012
Adam smith on dignity and equality, Remy Debes
Embodied simulation, an unproductive explanation: Comment on Gallese and Sinigaglia, Leon De Bruin and Shaun Gallagher
Getting interaction theory (IT) together: Integrating developmental, phenomenological, enactive, and dynamical approaches to social interaction, Tom Froese and Shaun Gallagher
Comment: Three questions for Stueber, Shaun Gallagher
Empathy, simulation, and narrative, Shaun Gallagher
From the Transcendental to the Enactive, Shaun Gallagher
In Defense of Phenomenological Approaches to Social Cognition: Interacting with the Critics, Shaun Gallagher
Multiple aspects in the sense of agency1, Shaun Gallagher
Taking stock of phenomenology futures, Shaun Gallagher
The body in social context: Some qualifications on the 'Warmth and intimacy' of bodily self-consciousness, Shaun Gallagher
Time, emotion, and depression, Shaun Gallagher
Enactive and Behavioral Abstraction Accounts of Social Understanding in Chimpanzees, Infants, and Adults, Shaun Gallagher and Daniel J. Povinelli
HOT: Keeping up Appearances?, David Miguel Gray
Happiness and the external goods, T. D. Roche
Editor's introduction, Kas Saghafi
The death penalty, in other words, philosophy, Kas Saghafi
Thomas the marvellous: Resurrection and living-death in Blanchot and Nancy, Kas Saghafi
Naturalizing joint action: A process-based approach, Deborah Tollefsen and Rick Dale
Critical social philosophy, Honneth and the role of primary intersubjectivity, Somogy Varga and Shaun Gallagher
Submissions from 2011
We did it again: A reply to livingston, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen
Linguistic correlates of self in deceptive oral autobiographical narratives, J. S. Bedwell, S. Gallagher, S. N. Whitten, and S. M. Fiore
Editor's introduction, Remy Debes
Towards triadic interactions in autism and beyond: Transitional objects, joint attention, and social robotics, John Z. Elias, Patricia Bockelman Morrow, Jonathan Streater, Shaun Gallagher, and Stephen M. Fiore
Cognitive science, Shaun Gallagher
Embodiment and phenomenal qualities: An enactive interpretation, Shaun Gallagher
Hermeneutics and the cognitive sciences, Shaun Gallagher
Introduction: A Diversity of Selves, Shaun Gallagher
Scanning the Lifeworld: Toward a Critical Neuroscience of Action and Interaction, Shaun Gallagher
Somaesthetics and the care of the body, Shaun Gallagher
The Oxford Handbook of the Self, Shaun Gallagher
The self in the Cartesian brain, Shaun Gallagher
Time in Action, Shaun Gallagher
Dissociation in self-narrative, Shaun Gallagher and Jonathan Cole
Modern living and vital race: Foucault and the science of life, Mary Beth Mader
Sleights of reason: Norm, bisexuality, development, Mary Beth Mader
The creolizing subject: Race, reason, and the politics of purity, Michael J. Monahan
Freedom, Responsibility and self-awareness in Husserl, Thomas Nenon
Philosophy as fallible science, Thomas Nenon
The Limits of Biomedical Ethics and the Specific Role of Phenomenology in Biomedical Ethics, Thomas Nenon
Incurable haunting: Saluting Michel Deguy, Kas Saghafi
The chase: Rivalry and conjuration, Kas Saghafi
A self-fulfilling prophecy: Linking belief to behavior, Esther Sternberg, Simon Critchley, Shaun Gallagher, and V. V. Raman
Self in the Brain, Kai Vogeley and Shaun Gallagher
Submissions from 2010
We did it: From mere contributors to coauthors, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen
Introduction, Philip Blosser and Thomas Nenon
Concluding discussion, Jonathan Cole, Marcelo Dascal, Shaun Gallagher, and Christopher Frith
Hegel and the extended mind, Anthony Crisafi and Shaun Gallagher
Which empathy? Limitations in the mirrored "understanding" of emotion, Remy Debes
Can social interaction constitute social cognition?, Hanne De Jaegher, Ezequiel Di Paolo, and Shaun Gallagher
Phenomenology and artificial life: Toward a technological supplementation of phenomenological methodology, Tom Froese and Shaun Gallagher
Defining consciousness : the importance of non-reflective self-awareness, Shaun Gallagher
Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception, Shaun Gallagher
Redrawing the map and resetting the time: Phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, Shaun Gallagher and Francisco Varela
Antigone and the ethics of kinship, Mary Beth Mader