Submissions from 1984
Thermally stimulated luminescence of irradiated caffeine, M. Shah Jahan and D. Wayne Cooke
Submissions from 1983
Thermally stimulated luminescence studies of x-irradiated L-alanine:Cr 3+ single crystals, D. W. Cooke and M. S. Jahan
Adaptive filter with a time-domain implementation using correlation cancellation loops, Joanne F. Rhodes
Submissions from 1982
Radiation damage in single crystal L-Histidine as studied by low-temperature thermoluminescence techniques, D. Wayne Cooke, Sharon L. Fortner, and M. Shah Jahan
Adaptive filtering with correlation cancellation loops, Joanne F. Rhodes and Douglas E. Brown
Submissions from 1981
Thermoluminescence studies of LiF (TLD-100) in the temperature interval 10-300 K, D. Wayne Cooke and Joanne F. Rhodes
Identification of a monoradical species from the EPR study of its radical pair in irradiated 3-hydroxyxanthine single crystals, M. Shah Jahan and Chester Alexander
Submissions from 1980
Thermoluminescence and emission spectra studies of 6-methylmercaptopurine and 6-methylmercaptopurine riboside x irradiated at 10 K, D. Wayne Cooke, Joanne F. Rhodes, Ronald S. Santi, and Chester Alexander
Submissions from 1978
ESR of nitroxide radical and radical pair species in irradiated 3-hydroxyxanthine single crystals, M. S. Jahan and C. Alexander
Submissions from 1976
Scintillation activity in an unirradiated single crystal of 3 hydroxyxanthine, D. W. Cooke, M. S. Jahan, and C. Alexander