Early Memphis Newspaper Indices
Source Collection
All the newspapers included in the Index to the Early Memphis Newspapers, except the Memphis Public Ledger, are available on microfilm at the University of Memphis Libraries Special Collections Department.
In the 19th century, Memphis commonly had multiple newspapers being published at the same time. These newspapers covered the political spectrum and competition was fierce and combative. Many of them we know only from the references to them made in the copies of the newspapers that survived to be microfilmed in the 20th century. This collection serves as an introduction, guide, and table of contents identifying the existing and indexed publications of the mid-to-late nineteenth century. A guide to the subject headings used in this project is included. Each newspaper named is the subject of its own index within the collections of the digital repository. Additionally, a separate unified subject index devoted to the Civil War is available. The index to obituaries is complete from 1843-1900 drawn from the entries found in the Memphis Appeal and the Memphis Commercial Appeal.
Recommended Citation
"Early Memphis Newspapers, Guide and Index" (2021). Early Memphis Newspaper Indices. 2.