Findings in Sport, Hospitality, Entertainment, and Event Management


In addition to standardized tests and program assessments of academic programs, tracking college alums’ employment is also deemed an effective method for measuring student learning and success. In this case study, the authors examined 251 students’ LinkedIn profiles by using main keywords such as the name of the institution and sport management to gather information about current employment status, degree of program completion, and primary self-identified skills of observed individuals. The results indicated that about 72.3% of 347 graduates (n = 251) from 2007 to 2022 had a completed profile and job employment. However, only about 37% held a sport-related job. Organizing skills, creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, flexibility, leadership, collaboration, and communication were the top self-perceived job skills among the observed students. Those identified job skills also coincided with the primary skills for job success suggested by numerous studies (Chen et al., 2017; Kyllonen, 2013; Lazarus, 2019; Mitchell et al., 2010; Oussii & Klibi, 2017). Sport Management graduates may not necessarily hold sport-related jobs; however, they remain competitive in the job market as long as they self-reported the essential job skills on their profiles. The primary recommendation for the future students is to create a LinkedIn profile early so they can be identified by the talent researchers and expand the chance for securing internships and practicums.
