Electronic Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Characterization of Cast Iron Microdamage: Its Evolution and Impact on Material Properties, Kennedy Beaulieu
Mitigating Congestion-based Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks, Harkeerat Singh Bedi
Synthesis and Characterization of Iron Oxide-Gold Core-Shell Nanoparticles in Different Shapes, Saheel Dilip Bhana
CREATE: Concept Representation and Extraction from Heterogeneous Evidence, Archana Bhattarai
A Study of the Relationship Between Minority Stress Factors and the Experience of Partner Loss for GLB-Identifying Adults, Alison Lea Bigelow
Three Dimensional Attenuation and High Resolution Earthquake Location: Applications to the New Madrid Seismic Zone and Costa Rica Seismogenic Zone, Shishay Tesfay Bisrat
Avoidant Coping Behavior as a Mediator of the Effects of Various Forms of Intimate Partner Abuse and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Women who are Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence, Nathali Blackwell Ms.
Mobile Applications and Advertising: Scan vs. Shazam, Brittney Chantelle Block
Horse Power: The Rise and Fall of an Idealized Western Man, Renee Carnes Boice
The Birth of the World: An Exploration in Husserl's Genetic Phenomenology, Matt Bower
Pathways to Aggressive Behavior: Antisocial and Borderline Personality Symptoms and the Mechanisms of Impulsivity, Negative Affect, and Distress Tolerance, Katherine Lee Bracken-Minor
Student Engagement and Reading Competence: Important Connections and the Moderating Role of Parent Support, Tera Lynn Bradley
Evaluating a Cognitive Behavioral Group for Social Anxiety in a Real World Setting, Samantha Brin
Behavioral Economic Risk Factors for Risky Sexual Behavior in a College Student Sample, Rachel Jordan Brooks
Violoncello Concerto in A Major by Markus Heinrich Graul: A Performance Edition, Griffin Francis Browne
An Examination of School Principals', Teachers', and Other Support Staff's Perception of Stress in the School Setting, Shunji Quenae Brown-Woods
Spiritual Struggle Following Violent Death Loss: Complicated Grief and Complicated Spiritual Grief, Laurie A. Burke
The Role of Web-Based Social Networking on Career Success and Worker Well-Being: A Social Capital and Job Demands-Resources Approach, Jonathan David Burlison
An Examination of Retention at a Private Liberal Arts Historically Black College, Sharron Taylor Burnett
Gandhi, Lenin, and the Politics of Friendship, Jonpaul Bushnell
Attentional Guiding Through Embodied and Image Cues in an Intelligent Tutoring System, Whitney Layne Cade
The Age of Sail: Stories and a Novella, Elizabeth Marie Cameron
High School Student Attitudes Toward Physical Education: The Comparison of a United States and New Zealand School, Joshua Charles Campbell
An Examination of Factors Influencing At-Risk High School Students' Readiness For Online Learning, William Campbell
Sublimation Rate of Vertically Oriented Naphthalene Cylinders in a Natural Convection Environment, Lauren Raye Carley
A Statistical Analysis of the Beneficial Effects of Ferrous Chloride at the T. E. Maxson Treatment Plant, Bjorn Carlsson
An Investigation of the Perceptions of Students' Proficiency in Reading and Writing as Indicated by Twelfth Grade English Teachers and College English Instructors, Lara King Charbonnet
Four Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Weiwei Chen
Development of New Analytical Approaches for Process Control of Drinking Water Disinfection By-Products, Yin Yee Choo
Concerto Polacco for Solo Guitar and Orchestra by Marek Pasieczny, Michal Ciesielski
Does Institutional Misalignment Prompt Escape-Based Internationalization? An Exploratory Examination of Latin American Outbound Foreign Direct Investment, Jack Alan Clampit
Bad Cycles, Blowup Points, and Baby Mandelbrot Sets, Jared Timothy Collins
Alien Evolutions: Darwinian Influence on the History and Transformation of the Anglo-American Science Fiction Alien, 1885 to 1936, Greg D. Conley
Development of a Mechanically-Stimulated Tissue-Specific Extracellular Matrix Coated Scaffold for Tendon/Bone Interface Engineering, Jared Owen Cooper
The Effects of Response to Intervention on the Mathematics Achievement of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students, Annette Sargent Cornelius
The Upland Gravels of the Mississippi River Valley and the Late Pliocene and Quaternary Deformation of the Reelfoot Rift, William Benjamin Cupples
Red Grooms: The Forgotten Existentialist Ruckus Manhattan and the Influence of Sartrian Existentialism, John E. Curley IV
Learning The Ropes: The Role of Peers, Mentors, and Extracurricular Participation in College Persistence, Adriene Davis
Literacy Practices in the Homes of African American Families and Their Perceived Affects on the Language and Literacy Development of Their Children, Delilah Ann Davis
Seismic Array Processing of High-Rate GPS Data, James Phillip Davis
Telemetry Controlled Brain Machine Interface To Train Cortical Circuits, Tina Marie DeCosta-Fortune
The Role of Affective and Behavioral Economic Factors in Predicting Response to a Brief Intervention for Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use in College Students, Ashley Ann Dennhardt
Southern Carnivalesque: Laughter and the Performance of the Politics of Race in Fiction, 1885-2010, Gina Renee Denton
Late Archaic Inter-Personal Violence in the Middle Tennessee Valley, William Edwin DeVore
Effects of Stimulus Salience on Touchscreen Serial Reversal Learning in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome, Price Evans Dickson
Predicting Social-Emotional and Cognitive Development at 24 Months: The Impact of Postnatal Maternal Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms, and Mother-Child Relationship, Stephanie F. Donahue
White Teachers, Latino Students: A Case Study of the Extent of Cultural Responsiveness Learned in a Teacher Education Program, Edward Michael Ducey Jr.
The Effects of Issue-free Cues, Timothy Alan Dukeman
The Intersection of Aging and Spirituality in the Psychology of Lesbian, Bisexual, and Queer Women, Bridget Renee Dunnavant