
Submissions from 1992


A conceptual model of the determinants of employee benefit satisfaction, Carol Danehower and John A. Lust

Digital image registration using structured genetic algorithm, Dipankar Dasgupta and Douglas R. McGregor


Designing application-specific neural networks using the structured genetic algorithm, D. Dasgupta and D. R. McGregor


Some characterizations of the uniform distribution with applications to random number generation, Lih Yuan Deng and E. Olusegun George


Generalized Lehmer-Tausworthe random number generators, Lih Yuan Deng, Cecil Rousseau, and Yilian Yuan


Robustness of some non‐uniform random variate generators, L. Y. Deng and R. S. Chhikara


Influence of gonadal hormones on odours emitted by male meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus), M. H. Ferkin, M. R. Gorman, and I. Zucker


Time course of androgenic modulation of odor preferences and odor cues in male meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Michael H. Ferkin


Photoperiod and gonadal hormones influence odor preferences of the male meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Michael H. Ferkin and Michael R. Gorman


On stability and solvability (or, when does a neural network solve a problem?), Stan Franklin and Max Garzon


The relation between cell migration and activation in inflammation: beyond adherence., S. Furfaro and J. S. Berman

Association of Epstein-Barr virus with human neoplasia., M. J. Gaffey and L. M. Weiss


Oligomers of stereoregular polymers, Charles M. Garner, Jan Bartus, William J. Simonsick, Koichi Ute, Koichi Hatada, and Otto Vogl


Design and testing of a general-purpose neurocomputer, Max H. Garzon, Stanley P. Franklin, William Baggett, William S. Boyd, and Dinah Dickerson


Free fuzzy groups and fuzzy group presentations, Max Garzon and Godfrey C. Muganda


Procedure to predict ultimate fracture failure history for plane stress plasticity problems, M. Ghassemieh, M. S. Ali, and A. R. Kukreti


The world of U.S. network television news: Eighteen years of international and foreign news coverage, William J. Gonzenbach, M. David Arant, and Robert L. Stevenson


The effects of alcohol intoxication on the initial treatment and hospital course of patients with acute brain injury, James G. Gurney, Frederick P. Rivara, Beth A. Mueller, David W. Newell, Michael K. Copass, and Gregory J. Jurkovich


Adrenal cortical neoplasms in children [1], E. P. Hawkins, P. T. Cagle, L. J. Medeiros, and L. M. Weiss

On-line optimal control of urban water supply, Otto J. Helweg, Shahram Pezeshk, and Kenneth E. Oliver


Hodgkin's disease and Epstein-Barr virus, H. Herbst, G. Pallesen, L. M. Weiss, G. Delsol, R. F. Jarrett, E. Steinbrecher, H. Stein, S. Hamilton-Dutoit, and P. Brousset


Pulsed thrust propellant reorientation - Concept and modeling, John I. Hochstein, Alfredo E. Patag, T. P. Korakianitis, and David J. Chato


Thermally stimulated optical scintillations in preheated plastic scintillators, M. S. Jahan, C. Cox, D. R. Ermer, D. W. Jones, and D. W. Cooke


Tick (Acari: Ixodidae) attachment cement and salivary gland cells contain similar immunoreactive polypeptides., D. C. Jaworski, R. Rosell, L. B. Coons, and G. R. Needham


Altered tissue polyamine levels due to ornithine-α-ketoglutarate in traumatized growing rats, Malayappa Jeevanandam, Nancy J. Holaday, and Mohammad R. Ali


Experimental verification of scaling parameters for thermal stratification, H. C. Ji, S. H. Schwartz, T. N. Lovrich, J. I. Hochstein, and L. A. Holmest


Effects of alcohol intoxication on the initial assessment of trauma patients, Gregory J. Jurkovich, Frederick P. Rivara, James G. Gurney, Debra Seguin, Corinne L. Fligner, and Michael Copass


Robust OP Amp Realization of Chua's Circuit, Michael Peter Kennedy


Photo and nutritional regulation of the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II mRNA levels in Euglena, Ram Kishore and Steven D. Schwartzbach


Translational control of the synthesis of the Euglena light harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding protein of photosystem II, Ram Kishore and Steven D. Schwartzbach


Ecologic relationships of co-occurring populations of opossums (Didelphis virginiana) and raccoons (Procyon lotor) in Tennessee, R. E. Kissell and M. L. Kennedy




The effect of surfactants on the dynamics of phase separation, M. Laradji, Hong Guo, M. Grant, and M. J. Zuckermann


Exponential decay rates for the solutions of Euler-Bernoulli equations with boundary dissipation occurring in the moments only, I. Lasiecka


Convergence rates for the approximations of the solutions to algebraic Riccati Equations with unbounded coefficients: case of analytic semigroups, Irena Lasiecka


Galerkin approximations of infinite-dimensional compensators for flexible structures with unbounded control action, Irena Lasiecka


Global Uniform Decay Rates for the Soluationsy to Wave Equation with Nonlinear Boundary Conditions, Irena Lasiecka


Uniform stabilization of the wave equation with Dirichlet or Neumann feedback control without geometrical conditions, I. Lasiecka and R. Triggiani

Optimal regularity, exact controllability and uniform stabilization of schrodinger equations with dirichlet control, I. Lasiecka, R. Triggiani, and G. Da Prato


Effects of acrylamide on germinal vesicle migration and dissolution in oocytes of the frog, Rana pipiens, Charles A. Lessman and Richard G. Kessel


Fracture toughness of two cuprate-based high-transition-temperature ceramic superconducting materials, G. Lewis


An empirical relation for estimating global irradiation for Tennessee, U.S.A., Gladius Lewis


Effect of lithotriptor treatment on the fracture toughness of acrylic bone cement, Gladius Lewis


Constitutive Equations for the Creep of a Silicon Carbide Whisker‐Reinforced Polycrystalline Alumina Composite Material, Gladius Lewis and Arnfinn Ostvoll


Zinc Selective Ionophores for Potentiometric and Optical Sensors, Ernö Lindner, Mária Horváth, Klára Tóth, Erno Pungor, István Bitter, Béla ágai, and László Töke


Zinc Selective Ionophores for Potentiometric and Optical Sensors, Ernö Lindner, Mária Horváth, Klára Tóth, Erno Pungor, István Bitter, Béla ágai, and László Töke


Some remarks of drop property, Pei Kee Lin


Some remarks of the nearly uniformly convex sets, Pei Kee Lin and Xintai Yu

Evidence for recent as well as long term activation of T cells migrating through endothelial cell monolayers in vitro, J. I. Masuyama, J. S. Berman, W. W. Cruikshank, C. Morimoto, and D. M. Center


Adaptive control of a dynamic system using genetic-based methods, D. R. McGregor, M. O. Odetayo, and D. Dasgupta


An Analysis of Intraday Patterns in Bid/Ask Spreads for NYSE Stocks, THOMAS H. MCINISH and ROBERT A. WOOD


Localization of Epstein-Barr viral genomes in angiocentric immunoproliferative lesions, L. J. Medeiros, E. S. Jaffe, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


New developments in the pathologic diagnosis of adrenal cortical neoplasms. A review, L. J. Medeiros and L. M. Weiss


Digital signal processor-based feature extraction vocoder for the deaf, E. Miskiel, O. Ozdamar, D. K. Oller, and R. Eilers

A power MOSFET current switch for driving a pulsed hollow cathode discharge, P. D. Mixon, C. W. Bray, S. T. Griffin, and J. C. Williams


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma with Reed- Sternberg-like cells and possible transformation to Hodgkin's disease: Mediation by Epstein-Barr virus, H. Momose, E. S. Jaffe, S. S. Shin, Y. Y. Chen, and L. M. Weiss


Modeling of best management practices on North Reelfoot Creek, Tennessee, L. W. Moore, C. Y. Chew, R. H. Smith, and S. Sahoo


Characterization of a Euglena gene encoding a polyprotein precursor to the light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b-binding protein of photosystem II, Umesh S. Muchhal and Steven D. Schwartzbach


Epidemiology of pediatric brain tumors., B. A. Mueller and J. G. Gurney

On the structure of fuzzy groups, Godfrey C. Muganda and M. Garzon


Structure analyses of menthone- and isomenthone-tosylhydrazones, C17H26N2O2S, D. F. Mullica, C. M. Garner, M. E. Prince, B. C. Mossman, and E. L. Sappenfield


Lyme neuroborreliosis manifesting as an intracranial mass lesion, Rhett Murray, Richard Morawetz, John Kepes, Taher El Gammal, and Mark Ledoux


Photosubstitution of Fe(CO)5 with PEt3 in Cyclohexane: Fe(CO)4PEt3 and Fe(CO)3(PEt3)2 as Single-Photon Products, Suresh K. Nayak and Theodore J. Burkey


Lobular capillary hemangioma: An immunohistochemical study including steroid hormone receptor status, G. E. Nichols, M. J. Gaffey, S. E. Mills, and L. M. Weiss


Revision of TRISS for intubated patients, Patrick J. Offner, Gregory J. Jurkovich, James Gurney, and Frederick P. Rivara


Functional forms and habit effects in the US demand for coffee, Albert A. Okunade


Union-nonunion compensation differentials and industry structure, Albert Ade Okunade, Phanindra V. Wunnava, and Michael D. Robinson


Beyond Dispensing:A Logistic Specification of Florida Pharmacists' Decision to Prescribe, albert A. Okunade and Shelly I. White-Means


FFT-based digital tactile vocoder system for real-time use, O. Özdamar, C. N. Lopez, D. K. Oller, R. E. Eilers, E. Miskiel, and M. P. Lynch


Optimal design of structures with kinematic nonlinear behavior, S. Pezeshk


Marital satisfaction and family stress as predictors of classroom behaviors, Chloee K. Poag, Robert Cohen, Scott W. Henggeler, Mary B. Summerville, and Glen E. Ray


Retaking departments, James D. Preston and Graves E. Enck


Regularized linear method for reconstruction of three-dimensional microscopic objects from optical sections, Chrysanthe Preza, Michael I. Miller, Lewis J. Thomas, and James G. McNally

Point-spread sensitivity analysis for 3-D fluorescence microscopy, Chrysanthe Preza, John M. Ollinger, James G. McNally, and Lewis J. Thomas


Point-spread sensitivity analysis for computational optical-sectioning microscopy, Chrysanthe Preza, John M. Ollinger, James G. McNally, and Lewis J. Thomas


An exploratory study of portfolio objectives and asset holdings, Sridhar N. Ramaswami, Rajendra K. Srivastava, and Thomas H. McInish

Speech analysis systems: An evaluation, C. Read, E. H. Buder, and R. D. Kent

Small crack growth in multiaxial fatigue, Satish C. Reddy and Ali Fatemi

Seismotectonics of Sierra Pie de Palo, a basement block uplift in the Andean foreland of Argentina, M. Regnier, J. L. Chatelain, R. Smalley, J. M. Chiu, B. L. Isacks, and M. Araujo


Forensic Accounting in the Curriculum, Zabihollah Rezaee, Gerald H. Lander, and Thomas A. Gavin


A descriptive study of trauma, alcohol, and alcoholism in young adults, Frederick P. Rivara, James G. Gurney, Richard K. Ries, Debra A. Seguin, Michael K. Copass, and Gregory J. Jurkovich

Improving dietitians' teaching skills, R. R. Roach, J. W. Pichert, B. A. Stetson, R. A. Lorenz, E. J. Boswell, and D. G. Schlundt


In Defense of an Alternative View of the Foundation of Aristotle's Moral Theory, D. Timothy Roche


The role of the fat body, midgut and ovary in vitellogenin production and vitellogenesis in the female tick, Dermacentor variabilis, Rosemarie Rosell and Lewis B. Coons


A new maximal inequality and its applications, Joseph M. Rosenblatt and Mate Wierdl

Detection of Epstein-Barr virus genome in Ki-1 (CD30)-positive, large-cell anaplastic lymphomas using the polymerase chain reaction, C. W. Ross, J. A. Schlegelmilch, T. M. Grogan, L. M. Weiss, B. Schnitzer, and C. A. Hanson

Nonlinear scalar field equations, W. Rother and J. A. Goldstein

Epstein-Barr virus-associated gastric adenocarcinoma, D. Shibata and L. M. Weiss


Computation of noncentral ƒ probabilities. A computer program, Karan P. Singh, Karan P. Singh, and George E. Relyea


Cell cycle-dependent changes in the organization of an intermediate filament-associated protein: Correlation with phosphorylation by p34cdc2, O. Skalli, Y. H. Chou, and R. D. Goldman


Intermediate filaments: not so tough after all, Omar Skalli, Ying Hao Chou, and Robert D. Goldman

GIS based synthetic watershed sediment routing model, Roger H. Smith, Surya N. Sahoo, and Larry W. Moore


Black college men in personal counseling: A five-year archival investigation, Sally D. Stabb and Pamela A. Cogdal

Vocal development in infants with Down syndrome and infants who are developing normally, M. L. Steffens, D. K. Oller, M. Lynch, and R. C. Urbano


Registered dietitians' teaching and adherence promotion skills during routine patient education, Barbara A. Stetson, James W. Pichert, Robin R. Roach, Rodney A. Lorenz, Elaine J. Boswell, and David G. Schlundt


Classification of members of the Ah gene battery, T. R. Sutter and W. F. Greenlee

A note on a semilinear elliptic problem, Gabriella Tarantello and J. A. Goldstein


Comparison of continuous and discrete frequency-versus-radius frequency-modulated reticles, James S. Taylor, Ronald G. Driggers, Carl E. Halford, Jeffrey S. Sanders, Steven T. Griffin, and Michael Wellfare


Effect of aging the hollow cathode by sputtering on the analytical precision of the hollow cathode discharge emission source, Jih Lie Tseng, Jau Yurn Kung, J. C. Williams, and Steven T. Griffin


Measuring Bilingual Children's Receptive Vocabularies, Vivian M. Umbel, Barbara Z. Pearson, María C. Fernández, and D. K. Oller