Submissions from 2023
Long divergent haplotypes introgressed from wild sheep are associated with distinct morphological and adaptive characteristics in domestic sheep, Hong Cheng, Zhuangbiao Zhang, Jiayue Wen, Johannes A. Lenstra, Rasmus Heller, Yudong Cai, Yingwei Guo, Ming Li, Ran Li, Wenrong Li, Sangang He, Jintao Wang, Junjie Shao, Yuxuan Song, Lei Zhang, Masum Billah, Xihong Wang, Mingjun Liu, and Yu Jiang
The Glycine -Methyltransferase Case Study: Another Challenge for QM-Cluster Models?, Qianyi Cheng and Nathan J. DeYonker
Information Transparency and Investment in Follow-on Innovation*, Jeff Zeyun Chen, Yongtae Kim, Leo L. Yang, and Joseph H. Zhang
Effects of Ordered Position on Stock Liquidity: New Nonlinear Evidence from Japanese REITs, William Cheung, Lewen Guo, Velma Zahirovic-Herbert, Yuichiro Kawaguchi, and Stephan Unger
The Haitian Revolution and Afromodernity: Political Speech, Euromodernity & Black Universalism, Derefe Kimarley Chevannes
Black lives matter and global struggles for racial justice in education: Black liberation and political education: The valorizing of afro-ecuadorian thought, Derefe Kimarley Chevannes and Josué Ricardo Lopez
Neighborhood disadvantage and health-related quality of life in pediatric epilepsy, Jenna A. Chiang, Thomas Tran, Sonya Swami, Elice Shin, Nancy Nussbaum, Rosario DeLeon, Bruce P. Hermann, Dave Clarke, and William A. Schraegle
A Thin Elastic Plate Model for Thermally Contracting Young Oceanic Lithosphere: Insights From Comparison With Modern Seafloor Observations, Eunseo Choi and Masako Tominaga
Event history analysis on racial disparities in the path to adoption for Black and White children, Minhae Cho, Eric Harlin, Jungjoon Ihm, and Chi Hyun Lee
Students’ Risks for Out-of-School Suspensions: Indigenous Heritage and Child Protective Services Involvement, Minhae Cho, Young Ji Yoon, Shelby K. Flanagan, and Wendy Haight
Institutional misalignment and escape-based FDI: A prospect theory lens, Jack Clampit, Nolan Gaffney, Frances Fabian, and Thomas Stafford
Building resilient hospital information technology services through organizational learning: Lessons in CIO leadership during an international systemic crisis in the United States and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Karlene Cousins, Attila J. Hertelendy, Min Chen, Polina Durneva, and Shangjun Wang
Core business prospects and the management of internal corporate ventures, Jeffrey G. Covin, Robert P. Garrett, Ricarda B. Bouncken, Martin Ratzmann, and Malcolm Muhammad
A Hybrid GAN-Based DL Approach for the Automatic Detection of Shockable Rhythms in AED for Solving Imbalanced Data Problems, Kamana Dahal and Mohd Hasan Ali
A Chinese indicine pangenome reveals a wealth of novel structural variants introgressed from other Bos species, Xuelei Dai, Peipei Bian, Dexiang Hu, Funong Luo, Yongzhen Huang, Shaohua Jiao, Xihong Wang, Mian Gong, Ran Li, Yudong Cai, Jiayue Wen, Qimeng Yang, Weidong Deng, Hojjat Asadollahpour Nanaei, Yu Wang, Fei Wang, Zijing Zhang, Benjamin D. Rosen, Rasmus Heller, and Yu Jiang
Structured Illumination Microscope Image reconstruction using unrolled physics-informed generative adversarial network (UPIGAN), S. Parisa Dajkhosh, Mazharul Hossain, and Chrysanthe Preza
The Rhetoric of (Re)marking at the Oscars: Performance of Place in Glory, Celnisha L. Dangerfield and Christina L. Moss
NSF S-STEM Track 3: Scaling Up Student Success through Broadening Participation Beyond our S-STEM Cohort, Maryam Darbeheshti, Miriam Howland Cummings, William Taylor Schupbach, David J. Russomanno, Stephanie S. Ivey, Karen D. Alfrey, Tom Altman, Michael S. Jacobson, Craig O. Stewart, and Katherine Goodman
NSF S-STEM Track 3: Scaling Up Student Success through Broadening Participation Beyond our S-STEM Cohort, Maryam Darbeheshti, Miriam Howland Cummings, William Taylor Schupbach, David J. Russomanno, Stephanie S. Ivey, Karen D. Alfrey, Tom Altman, Michael S. Jacobson, Craig O. Stewart, and Katherine Goodman
Dual-filtering (DF) schemes for learning systems to prevent adversarial attacks, Dipankar Dasgupta and Kishor Datta Gupta
Rule-Based Safe Probabilistic Movement Primitive Control via Control Barrier Functions, Mohammadreza Davoodi, Asif Iqbal, Joseph M. Cloud, William J. Beksi, and Nicholas R. Gans
Embedded antipodal planes and the minimum weight of the dual code of points and lines in projective planes of order p2, Maarten De Boeck and Geertrui Van de Voorde
Building Financial Capability and Assets for All, Elena Delavega, Kari L. Fletcher, and Melissa Hirschi
Does options trading deter real activities manipulation?, Mahmoud Delshadi, Mahmoud Hosseinniakani, and Zabihollah Rezaee
Violence, Discrimination, Psychological Distress, and HIV Vulnerability Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Memphis, Tennessee, Meredith R. Denney, Latrice C. Pichon, and Meredith L. Brantley
Violence, Discrimination, Psychological Distress, and HIV Vulnerability Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Memphis, Tennessee, Meredith R. Denney, Latrice C. Pichon, and Meredith L. Brantley
Thinking gender in times of crisis: Reflecting on gender, turbulence, and global environmental politics, Nicole Detraz
Urban green space planning in the Kumasi Metropolis, Ghana: a prioritization conundrum and its co-benefits solution, Stephen Kofi Diko
“In Place of Horses”: Indigenous Burdeners and the Politics of the Early American South, Brad Dixon
A missense mutation in RRM1 contributes to animal tameness, Mingle Dou, Ming Li, Zhuqing Zheng, Qiuming Chen, Yongji Wu, Jinxin Wang, Huiquan Shan, Fei Wang, Xuelei Dai, Yunjia Li, Zhirui Yang, Guanghui Tan, Funong Luo, Lei Chen, Yun Stone Shi, Jiang Wei Wu, Xiong Jian Luo, Hojjat Asadollahpour Nanaei, Zhannur Niyazbekova, Guojie Zhang, Wen Wang, Shanting Zhao, Wenxin Zheng, Xihong Wang, and Yu Jiang
Altruism in Investor Preferences: A Catalyst for the Green Transition, Johannes Kabderian Dreyer and William Smith
Trump’s Thumbs: Pollice Verso and the Spectacle of Ambiguity, William Duffy
Trump’s Thumbs: Pollice Verso and the Spectacle of Ambiguity, William Duffy
Culturally relevant approaches to fostering postsecondary readiness in the dual credit English classroom, Julia C. Duncheon, Dustin Hornbeck, and Reid Sagara
Recommendations to improve maternal health equity among Black women in “The South”: A position paper from the SNRS minority health research interest & implementation group, Doncy Eapen, Catherine Mbango, Glenda Daniels, Nitha Mathew Joseph, Annapoorna Mary, Nisha Mathews, Kathryn Kravetz Carr, Cheryl Wells, Armiel Suriaga, and Angeline Saint Fleur
(Hash)tagging intersection(ality): Black and Palestinian experiences on Twitter, Emily Lynell Edwards and David F. Stephens
Complex working memory in adults with and without stuttering disorders: Performance patterns and predictive relationships, Naomi Eichorn, Jessica Hall, and Klara Marton
An Investigation on the Use of Au@SiO@Au Nanomatryoshkas as Gap-Enhanced Raman Tags, Brinton King Eldridge, Saghar Gomrok, James W. Barr, Elise Anne Chaffin, Lauren Fielding, Christian Sachs, Katie Stickels, Paiton Williams, and Yongmei Wang
Development of the Bystander Attitude and Behavior Scales for Gender-Based and Oppressive Violence with University Faculty, Nada Elias-Lambert, Sarah R. Leat, Kristin W. Bolton, Richard S. Pond, and Jessica Grace
Faculty Bystanders: Capturing University Faculty’s Willingness to Engage in Prosocial Behavior, Nada Elias-Lambert, Sarah R. Leat, Jessica Grace, and Rachel Voth Schrag
Urinary angiotensinogen is associated with albuminuria in adults with sickle cell anaemia, Laila Elsherif, Praghalathan Kanthakumar, Jeremiah Afolabi, Ashley F. Stratton, Ugochi Ogu, Marquita Nelson, Ayesha Mukhopadhyay, Matthew P. Smeltzer, Adebowale Adebiyi, and Kenneth I. Ataga
Red–Blue k-Center Clustering with Distance Constraints, Marzieh Eskandari, Bhavika B. Khare, Nirman Kumar, and Bahram Sadeghi Bigham
Breaking strength-ductility trade-off in laser-powder bed fused Fe–Cr–Ni–Al maraging stainless steel: Controlled precipitation and preserved dislocations, Richard Fabian and Amir Hadadzadeh
‘This is almost like Ruby Bridges’: young children’s demonstration of racial literacy, Anna Falkner
Blockchain-based cloud-edge clock calibration in IoT, Kai Fan, Zeyu Shi, Yicen Yang, Liyang Bai, Yintang Yang, Kan Yang, and Hui Li
Linguistic performance during monologues and correlates of neuropsychological function for adults with multiple sclerosis, Lynda Feenaughty
SSTM: Spatiotemporal recurrent transformers for multi-frame optical flow estimation, Fisseha Admasu Ferede and Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian
On the influence of in situ powder bed density variations on defect characteristics and fatigue performance of additively manufactured Ti–6Al–4 V components, Michael Fitzmire, Fatemeh Hejripour, Reza Molaei, and Ebrahim Asadi
Multiaxial fatigue of additively manufactured metallic components: A review of the failure mechanisms and fatigue life prediction methodologies, Pietro Foti, Nima Razavi, Ali Fatemi, and Filippo Berto
Filling institutional voids: Combinative effects of institutional shortcomings and gender on the alertness – Opportunity recognition relationship, Jennifer Franczak, Stephen E. Lanivich, and Samuel Adomako
Immersed in Coleman's bathtub: multilevel dynamics driving new venture survival in emerging markets, Jennifer Franczak, Robert J. Pidduck, Stephen E. Lanivich, and Jintong Tang
Intractable epilepsy after herpes simplex encephalitis, Daniel A. Freedman and Dave F. Clarke
Power-conscious ecosystems: understanding how power dynamics in US doctoral advising shape students’ experiences, Rachel E. Friedensen, Genia M. Bettencourt, and Megan L. Bartlett
Moderating the Relationship Between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's Disease and Symptoms of PTSD: The Role of Remission, Alexandra Fuss and Suzanne Lease
Development and Evaluation of an Online Simulated Hospital Unit for Nutrition Assessment Training, Ann Gaba, Sergio A. Costa, Roseanne Schnoll, Mary Ellen Dorfman, Steven Cordova, Susan Jakuboski, Brett Spiegel, and Ashish Joshi
Minimal self-consciousness and the flying man argument, Shaun Gallagher
Online information literacies of Chinese international students in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic, Huan Gao and Angela Kohnen
Meadow voles differentiate between scents of different sources, Sarah S. Garris, Lyndsey M. Pierson, and Michael H. Ferkin
Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) funding allocations and relevance for US disaster policy, Logan Gerber-Chavez, Samantha Montano, Amanda Savitt, Tanya B. Corbin, and Davia C. Downey
Effects of water chemistry and flow on lead release from plastic pipes versus copper pipes, implications for plumbing decontamination, Shima Ghoochani, Md Hadiuzzaman, Nahreen Mirza, Shawn P. Brown, and Maryam Salehi
Designing the next generation of map assessment systems: Open questions and opportunities to automatically assess a student’s knowledge as a map, Philippe J. Giabbanelli, Andrew A. Tawfik, and Bao Wang
Assessing the effects of increased impervious surface on the aquifer recharge through river flow network, case study of Jackson, Tennessee, USA, Abolfazl Nazari Giglou, Rouzbeh Nazari, Farhad Jazaei, and Maryam Karimi
Numerical analysis of surface hydrogeological water budget to estimate unconfined aquifers recharge, Abolfazl Nazari Giglou, Rouzbeh Ross Nazari, Farhad Jazaei, and Maryam Karimi
The (In)flexible self: Psychopathology, mindfulness, and neuroscience, Fabio Giommi, Prisca R. Bauer, Aviva Berkovich-Ohana, Henk Barendregt, Kirk Warren Brown, Shaun Gallagher, Ivan Nyklíček, Brian Ostafin, Antonino Raffone, Heleen A. Slagter, Fynn-Mathis Trautwein, and David R. Vago
Nanocarrier-mediated curcumin delivery: An adjuvant strategy for CNS disease treatment, Sandip Godse, Lina Zhou, Swarna Sakshi, Bhupesh Singla, Udai P. Singh, and Santosh Kumar
Curcumin enhances elvitegravir concentration and alleviates oxidative stress and inflammatory response, Sandip Godse, Lina Zhou, Namita Sinha, Sunitha Kodidela, Asit Kumar, Udai P. Singh, and Santosh Kumar
Fault Roughness Promotes Earthquake-Like Aftershock Clustering in the Lab, Thomas H.W. Goebel, Emily E. Brodsky, and Georg Dresen
Financial reporting consequences of CEOs' early-life exposure to disasters and violent crime, Joanna Golden and Mark Kohlbeck
On the determination of coseismic deformation models to improve access to geodetic reference frame conventional epochs in low-density GNSS networks, Demián D. Gómez, Mara A. Figueroa, Franco S. Sobrero, Robert Smalley, Michael G. Bevis, Dana J. Caccamise, and Eric Kendrick
“Everything’s Connected”: Using Systems Maps for Inquiry Learning, Gretchen S. Goode and Laurie MacGillivray
Where is Ethics in the Evolution of AIED’s Future?, Arthur C. Graesser, Xiangen Hu, John P. Sabatini, and Colin M. Carmon
Board Chairs’ Early-Life Experience and Tax Avoidance, Rita W. Green
How Norms Shape the Nature of Belief Systems in Mass Publics, Eric Groenendyk, Erik O. Kimbrough, and Mark Pickup
Organizational Ecology's Contagion Growth Perspective in the Study of Standalone Charter Schools in New York City, Charisse Gulosino
An Investigation of Teachers’ Perceptions of School Competitiveness and Organizational Work Environment in a Rural Area, Charisse Gulosino, Heather K. Olson Beal, Susie Cox, and Brent D. Beal
Design and characterization of a high-resolution multiple-SNP capture array by target sequencing for sheep, Yingwei Guo, Fengting Bai, Jintao Wang, Shaoyin Fu, Yu Zhang, Xiaoyi Liu, Zhuangbiao Zhang, Junjie Shao, Ran Li, Fei Wang, Lei Zhang, Huiling Zheng, Xihong Wang, Yongbin Liu, and Yu Jiang
Lead (Pb) deposition onto new and biofilm-laden potable water pipes, Md Hadiuzzaman, Nahreen Mirza, Shawn P. Brown, David A. Ladner, and Maryam Salehi
Recovery from FOLFOX chemotherapy-induced systemic and skeletal muscle metabolic dysfunction in mice, Jessica L. Halle, Brittany R. Counts, Hector G. Paez, Dryden R. Baumfalk, Quan Zhang, Junaith S. Mohamed, Evan S. Glazer, Melissa J. Puppa, Ashley J. Smuder, Stephen E. Alway, and James A. Carson
Integrative Microscopy Approaches Reveal Specialized Signaling Filopodia Promote Morphogen Gradient Formation during Mammalian Development, Eric T. Hall, Elizabeth R. Cleverdon, Miriam E. Dillard, Yan Zhang, Randall Wakefield, Camenzind G. Robinson, Shondra M. Pruett-Miller, Emma Selner, Shariq S. Ansari, Yong-Dong Wang, Michael Tanes, Young Sang Ryu, Daniel Stewart, Amanda Johnson, Jeffrey Steinberg, Mia Panlilio, Khaled Khairy, and Stacey K. Ogden
The effect of climate change on avian offspring production: A global meta-analysis, Lucyna Halupka, Debora Arlt, Jere Tolvanen, Alexandre Millon, Pierre Bize, Peter Adamík, Pascal Albert, Wayne J. Arendt, Alexander V. Artemyev, Vittorio Baglione, Jerzy Bańbura, Mirosława Bańbura, Emilio Barba, Robert T. Barrett, Peter H. Becker, and Eugen Belskii
A Dilemma of Self-interest vs. Ethical Responsibilities in Political Insider Trading, Jan Hanousek, Hoje Jo, Christos Pantzalis, and Jung Chul Park
Belltower Coffeehouse & Studio: Negotiating hybrid value creation in a dual-mission arts venture, Josef Hanson
Perspectives of Black Students in Music Education Doctoral Programs: Motivations, Experiences, and Information Literacy, Josef Hanson and Joel Roberts
An exploratory study of salient family risk factors in relation to preschoolers’ unintentional injury in northwest China, Jun Hao, Yeh Hsueh, and Katherine Kitzmann
Fit with Faith: An Exploratory Study Examining a Behavior Change Intervention for African-American Clergy and Their Spouses, Brook E. Harmon, Nathan T. West, Benjamin L. Webb, Brandi M. Johnson, and Stacy Smith
Fit with Faith: An Exploratory Study Examining a Behavior Change Intervention for African-American Clergy and Their Spouses, Brook E. Harmon, Nathan T. West, Benjamin L. Webb, Brandi M. Johnson, and Stacy Smith
Application of computational methods for class A GPCR Ligand discovery, Zoe L. Harrison, Emily C. Montgomery, Brian Hoffman, Felio Perez, Joshua R. Bush, Joel D. Bumgardner, Tomoko Fujiwara, Daniel L. Baker, and Jessica Amber Jennings
Cis-2-Decenoic Acid and Bupivacaine Delivered from Electrospun Chitosan Membranes Increase Cytokine Production in Dermal and Inflammatory Cell Lines, Zoe Harrison, Emily C. Montgomery, Joshua R. Bush, Nidhi Gupta, Joel D. Bumgardner, Tomoko Fujiwara, Daniel L. Baker, and Jessica Amber Jennings
“It's like losing a family member”: School counselors’ experience with student suicide, Jaimie Stickl Haugen, Phillip L. Waalkes, Melanie Burgess, and Paula J. Swindle
Rivalry and Group Behavior in Sport and Religious Brands, Cody T. Havard, Michael Hutchinson, Timothy D. Ryan, and Meagan Lomenick
Walk in Someone Else's Shoes: Fan Group Behavior and Rivalry in Sport and Athletic Footwear Brands, Cody T. Havard, Lamar Reams, and Michael Hutchinson
Shared Perspectives: Can Common Interests Help Decrease Out-Group Derogation?, Cody T. Havard, Daniel L. Wann, Frederick G. Grieve, Michael Hutchinson, and Timothy D. Ryan
Deep Learning Framework for Modeling Cognitive Load from Small and Noisy EEG data, Felix Havugimana, Kazi Ashraf Moinudin, and Mohammed Yeasin
High virulence is associated with pathogen spreadability in a songbird-bacterial system, Dana M. Hawley, Courtney A. Thomason, Matt A. Aberle, Richard Brown, and James S. Adelman
Effects of Syllable Rate on Neuro-Behavioral Synchronization Across Modalities: Brain Oscillations and Speech Productions, Deling He, Eugene H. Buder, and Gavin M. Bidelman
Global Acoustic Speech Temporal Characteristics for Mandarin Speakers With Parkinson's Disease During Syllable Repetition and Passage Reading, Deling He, Lynda Feenaughty, and Qin Wan
Rapid adaptation to a novel pathogen through disease tolerance in a wild songbird, Amberleigh E. Henschen, Michal Vinkler, Marissa M. Langager, Allison A. Rowley, Rami A. Dalloul, Dana M. Hawley, and James S. Adelman