
Submissions from 2013


Vectorial fractional integral inequalities with convexity, George A. Anastassiou


Vectorial splitting rational Lp inequalities for integral operators, George A. Anastassiou


Advances in applied mathematics and approximation theory, George A. Anastassiou and Oktay Duman

Preface, George A. Anastassiou and Oktay Duman


Solving Mathematical Analysis with Matlab, Mathcad, Mathematica and Maple, George A. Anastassiou and Iuliana F. Iatan


Reverse and forward fractional integral inequalities, George A. Anastassiou and Razvan A. Mezei

Weakly set valued generalized vector variational inequalities, George A. Anastassiou and Salahuddin

Preface, George Anastassiou and Iuliana Iatan


What is “urban”? A CRT examination of the preparation of K-12 teachers for urban schools, Celia Rousseau Anderson and Beverly E. Cross


Prospective randomized crossover evaluation of three anesthetic regimens for painful procedures in children with cancer, Doralina L. Anghelescu, Laura L. Burgoyne, Lane G. Faughnan, Gisele M. Hankins, Matthew P. Smeltzer, and Ching Hon Pui


Using longitudinal employer dynamics (LED) data for the analysis of Memphis Aerotropolis, Tennessee, Angela Antipova and Esra Ozdenerol


Using longitudinal employer dynamics (LED) data for the analysis of Memphis Aerotropolis, Tennessee, Angela Antipova and Esra Ozdenerol


Racial segregation patterns in selective universities, Peter Arcidiacono, Esteban Aucejo, Andrew Hussey, and Kenneth Spenner


Silver decorated carbon nanospheres as effective visible light photocatalyst, W. Armstrong, B. Sapkota, and S. R. Mishra


Free vibration of thick laminated cylindrical shells with different boundary conditions using general differential quadrature, Ebrahim Asadi and Mohamad S. Qatu


An LC CMOS injection-locked frequency divider for divide-by-two and divide-by-three operation, M. S. Asghar, M. Asfandyar Awan, Z. Huang, W. Li, M. P. Kennedy, A. Buonomo, and A. Lo Schaivo


Hydroxyurea treatment decreases glomerular hyperfiltration in children with sickle cell anemia, Banu Aygun, Nicole A. Mortier, Matthew P. Smeltzer, Barry L. Shulkin, Jane S. Hankins, and Russell E. Ware

Collaborative art and collective intention, Sondra Bacharach and Deborah Tollefsen


Dynamic fracture analysis of multiple defects in an imperfect FGM coating-substrate layers, R. Bagheri, M. Ayatollahi, and E. Asadi


Products of two atoms in Krull monoids and arithmetical characterizations of class groups, Paul Baginski, Alfred Geroldinger, David J. Grynkiewicz, and Andreas Philipp


Polymer concepts illustrated in the context of biopolymers, Daniel L. Baker and Abby L. Parrill


Structure and catalytic function of sphingosine kinases: Analysis by site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetics, Daniel L. Baker, Truc Chi T. Pham, and Melanie A. Sparks


Repeated degrees in random uniform hypergraphs, Paul Balister, Béla Bollobás, Jeño Lehel, and Michał Morayne


Union-closed families of sets, Igor Balla, Béla Bollobás, and Tom Eccles


Plan vs Project Dilemma Revisited: A Progress Review of Urban and Regional Studies Literature, Reza Banai


The metropolitan region: from concepts to indicators of urban sustainability, Reza Banai

How can the blind men see the elephant?, Bonny Banerjee


A framework of Voronoi diagram for planning multiple paths in free space, Bonny Banerjee and B. Chandrasekaran


An online clustering algorithm that ignores outliers: Application to hierarchical feature learning from sensory data, Bonny Banerjee and Jayanta K. Dutta


A predictive coding framework for learning to predict changes in streaming data, Bonny Banerjee and Jayanta K. Dutta


Efficient learning from explanation of prediction errors in streaming data, Bonny Banerjee and Jayanta K. Dutta


Hierarchical feature learning from sensorial data by spherical clustering, Bonny Banerjee and Jayanta K. Dutta


Comparison between SFCL and TSC for voltage stability enhancement of wind generator system, Arnab Banik and Mohd Hasan Ali


Videoteleconferencing in Forensic and Correctional Practice, Ashley B. Batastini, Brendan R. McDonald, and Robert D. Morgan


Mitigating congestion-based denial of service attacks with active queue management, Harkeerat Bedi, Sankardas Roy, and Sajjan Shiva


Professional psychology in health care services: A blueprint for education and training, Cynthia D. Belar, Catherine L. Grus, Frank Andrasik, Sharon L. Berry, Clark D. Campbell, Margaret Gatz, Carol D. Goodheart, and Cindy L. Juntunen


Glaucoma progression detection using variational expectation maximization algorithm, Akram Belghith, Madhusudhanan Balasubramanian, Christopher Bowd, Robert N. Weinreb, and Linda M. Zangwill


Posterior Cruciate-Retaining Versus Posterior-Stabilized Total Knee Arthroplasty. A Meta-Analysis, Michael J. Bercik, Ashish Joshi, and Javad Parvizi


Regulating the emerging: A policy discourse analysis of mixed martial arts legislation, Brennan K. Berg and Laurence Chalip


Structural and interpersonal characteristics of family meals: Associations with adolescent body mass index and dietary patterns, Jerica M. Berge, Seok Won Jin, Peter Hannan, and Dianne Neumark-Sztainer

Individual part score profiles of children with intellectual disability: A descriptive analysis across three intelligence tests, Renee Bergeron and Randy G. Floyd


Obesity and overweight status health disparities among low-income rural Appalachian preschool children, Kristoffer S. Berlin, Jane Hamel-Lambert, and Chris DeLamatre

Towards a structured representation of generic concepts and relations in large text corpora, Archana Bhattarai and Vasile Rus


The role of the auditory brainstem in processing musically relevant pitch, Gavin M. Bidelman


Tone Language Speakers and Musicians Share Enhanced Perceptual and Cognitive Abilities for Musical Pitch: Evidence for Bidirectionality between the Domains of Language and Music, Gavin M. Bidelman, Stefanie Hutka, and Sylvain Moreno


Tracing the emergence of categorical speech perception in the human auditory system, Gavin M. Bidelman, Sylvain Moreno, and Claude Alain


Biphasic effects of alcohol on delay and probability discounting, L. Cinnamon Bidwell, James MacKillop, James G. Murphy, Andrea Grenga, Robert M. Swift, and John E. McGeary


iPods, internet and apps, oh my: Age appropriate technology in early childhood educational environments, Sally Blake, Denise L. Winsor, Candice Burkett, and Lee Allen


Safety profile of caffeine and 1,3-dimethylamylamine supplementation in healthy men, Richard J. Bloomer, T. M. Farney, I. C. Harvey, and R. J. Alleman


Acute plasma volume change with high-intensity sprint exercise, Richard J. Bloomer and Tyler M. Farney


Cissus quadrangularis reduces joint pain in exercise-trained men: a pilot study., Richard J. Bloomer, Tyler M. Farney, Cameron G. McCarthy, and Sang Rok Lee


Women experience lower postprandial oxidative stress compared to men, Richard J. Bloomer and Sang Rok Lee


Influence of acute coffee consumption on postprandial oxidative stress, Richard J. Bloomer, John F. Trepanowski, and Tyler M. Farney


Plasma glycerol during the acute post-exercise recovery period: Influence of exercise intensity, R. J. Bloomer and T. M. Farney


Physiological responses to fluctuating thermal and hydration regimes in the chill susceptible insect, Thaumatotibia leucotreta, Leigh Boardman, Jesper G. Sørensen, and John S. Terblanche


Effect of sequestering intrinsic iron on the electron paramagnetic resonance signals in powdered soy proteins, William L. Boatright and M. Shah Jahan


Methodological lessons in neurophenomenology: Review of a baseline study and recommendations for research approaches, Patricia Bockelman, Lauren Reinerman-Jones, and Shaun Gallagher


Paul Erdős: Life and work, Béla Bollobás


The dimension of random graph orders, Béla Bollobás and Graham Brightwell


Cops and robbers in a random graph, Béla Bollobás, Gábor Kun, and Imre Leader


A small probabilistic universal set of starting points for finding roots of complex polynomials by Newton's method, Béla Bollobás, Malte Lackmann, and Dierk Schleicher


Metric dimension for random graphs, Béla Bollobás, Dieter Mitsche, and Paweł Prałat


Cover-decomposition and polychromatic numbers, Béla Bollobás, David Pritchard, Thomas Rothvoss, and Alex Scott


The phase transition in the Edős-Rényi random graph process, Béla Bollobás and Oliver Riordan


Hereditary and monotone properties of graphs, Béla Bollobás and Andrew Thomason


Conservative, discontinuous Galerkin-methods for the generalized korteweg-de vries equation, J. L. Bona, H. Chen, O. Karakashian, and Y. Xing


Stability behavior for unsupervised learning, Fernanda Botelho and Annita Davis


Homomorphisms on a class of commutative banach algebras, Fernanda Botelho and James Jamison


Surjective isometries on spaces of vector valued continuous and Lipschitz functions, Fernanda Botelho and James Jamison


Hermitian operators on lipschitz function spaces, Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison, A. Jiménez-Vargas, and Moisés Villegas-Vallecillos


Algebraic reflexivity of isometry groups and automorphism groups of some operator structures, Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison, and Lajos Molnár


Surjective isometries on Grassmann spaces, Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison, and Lajos Molnár


Circular operators on minimal norm ideals of B(H), Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison, and Bentuo Zheng


Isometries on spaces of vector valued Lipschitz functions, Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison, and Bentuo Zheng


Cross-fostering eggs reveals that female collared flycatchers adjust clutch sex ratios according to parental ability to invest in offspring, E. Keith Bowers, Pavel Munclinger, Stanislav Bureš, and Lenka Kučerová


Erratum: The Turkish version of the meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the measurement invariance across Turkish and American adult samples (Journal of Personality Assessment (2013) 95:4 (423-431)), Güler Boyraz, Owen Richard Lightsey, and Ahmet Can


The Turkish version of the meaning in life questionnaire: Assessing the measurement invariance across Turkish and American adult samples, Güler Boyraz, Owen Richard Lightsey, and Ahmet Can


Implementation of a pulse-holding Time-to-Digital Converter on an FPGA, Francesco Brandonisio, Alberto Prodomo, Michael Peter Kennedy, and Ettore Napoli

The ghostwritten will, Ralph C. Brashier


Re-Isolating Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis from an Amphibian Host Increases Pathogenicity in a Subsequent Exposure, Forrest M.R. Brem, Matthew J. Parris, and Gretchen E. Padgett-Flohr


Hydroxamate anchors for improved photoconversion in dye-sensitized solar cells, Timothy P. Brewster, Steven J. Konezny, Stafford W. Sheehan, Lauren A. Martini, Charles A. Schmuttenmaer, Victor S. Batista, and Robert H. Crabtree


Hydrogenation of carboxylic acids catalyzed by half-sandwich complexes of iridium and rhodium, Timothy P. Brewster, Alexander J.M. Miller, D. Michael Heinekey, and Karen I. Goldberg

Exploring and negotiating sexual meanings, Sara K. Bridges and Robert A. Neimeyer


Authors' response to commentary on suicidal ideas and immediate suicide risk, Peter C. Britton, Mark A. Ilgen, M. David Rudd, and Kenneth R. Conner

Land grab: Green neoliberalism, gender, and garifuna resistance in Honduras, Keri Vacanti Brondo


Deep Ion Torrent sequencing identifies soil fungal community shifts after frequent prescribed fires in a southeastern US forest ecosystem, Shawn P. Brown, Mac A. Callaham, Alena K. Oliver, and Ari Jumpponen


Loss of consciousness, depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicide risk among deployed military personnel with mild traumatic brain injury, Craig J. Bryan, Tracy A. Clemans, Ann Marie Hernandez, and Michael David Rudd


Reasons for suicide attempts in a clinical sample of active duty soldiers, Craig J. Bryan, M. David Rudd, and Evelyn Wertenberger

Acquisition of the English voicing contrast by native Spanish-speaking children: Phonological development in voice onset times, Eugene H. Buder, Linda Jarmulowicz, and D. Kimbrough Oller

Acquisition of the English voicing contrast by native Spanish-speaking children: Phonological development in voice onset times, Eugene H. Buder, Linda Jarmulowicz, and D. Kimbrough Oller

An acoustic phonetic catalog of prespeech vocalizations from a developmental perspective, Eugene H. Buder, Anne S. Warlaumont, and D. Kimbrough Oller


Cerebrovascular dilation via selective targeting of the cholane steroid-recognition site in the bk channel β1-subunit by a novel nonsteroidal agents, Anna N. Bukiya, Jacob E. McMillan, Alexander L. Fedinec, Shivaputra A. Patil, Duane D. Miller, Charles W. Leffler, Abby L. Parrill, and Alex M. Dopico


Enhanced chemoresistance of squamous carcinoma cells grown in 3D cryogenic electrospun scaffolds, Anna A. Bulysheva, Gary L. Bowlin, Stella P. Petrova, and W. Andrew Yeudall


A CMOS injection-locked frequency divider optimized for divide-by-two and divide-by-three operation, Antonio Buonomo, Alessandro Lo Schiavo, M. Asfandyar Awan, Malik Summair Asghar, and Michael Peter Kennedy


The galleys of history: Mirages and madness of a journey, Fernando Burgos and Tina Kosiorek


Computer assisted screening, correction, and analysis of historical weather measurements, Dorian J. Burnette and David W. Stahle


Historical perspective on the dust bowl drought in the central United States, Dorian J. Burnette and David W. Stahle


Spatial disparity in the distribution of superfund sites in South Carolina: An ecological study, Kristen Burwell-Naney, Hongmei Zhang, Ashok Samantapudi, Chengsheng Jiang, Laura Dalemarre, Lashanta Rice, Edith Williams, and Sacoby Wilson


Development of a traumatic anterior cruciate ligament and meniscal rupture model to study osteoarthritis, Keith D. Button, Kevin M. Leikert, Ryan S. Fajardo, Tammy L.Haut Donahue, and Roger C. Haut


Examining a curvilinear model of readiness to change and alcohol consumption, Jennifer M. Cadigan, Matthew P. Martens, Brooke J. Arterberry, Ashley E. Smith, and James G. Murphy